Chapter 4- You're Different

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It was not the gazebo ceiling that her eyes were looking at when she opened them from her nap. It took her seconds to realize that a pair of gentle dark orbs were staring at her with amusement.

Thinking it was just one of the party ushers she started sitting properly, feeling a slight ache on her neck due  to the unconventional sleeping position.

"Is the party over?" She asked gathering her fallen earphone at the same time.

Not hearing a response she look at the man standing beside her seat while hands were concealed in his trouser's pocket. Realization hit her for the second time that there was a black suit on her lap that she failed to noticed when she get up and the man was not a party usher.

"Is this yours?"  Sakura asked hesitantly and feeling stupid for asking the obvious.

"The party is not yet over." The stranger said with a smooth baritone voice. "I just went out to get some fresh air, hence, I found  a lady sleeping soundly in this cold night...probably feeling bored as I'am."

She nodded glancing at her watch, it's been two hours since she dozed off and she know it's time to go back inside.

"Yeeeah" Sakura said as she stretched her arms feeling refresh from her nap. "Sorry, I'm guessing you want to be alone from those buzzling people inside however, you found me occupying this little space instead."

"I don't mind." He shrugged.

"You may wanna sit by the way..." she gesture at the available space beside her. For a full seconds he seems to be undecided to accept the invitation but he started making his way to the seat anyway.

Fully observing the mysterious man, he has a jet-black hair that was pulled back in a low ponytail which extended to his shoulder blades.

"I'm Sakura," giving him her full smile as he set himself beside her in acceptable distance.

He extended his arms, "Itachi."

"So..." From what Sakura have observed Itachi is not a conversation starter and neither does Sakura.

"Uh-" still thinking what will be the appropriate thing to say.

"Do you know Uchiha Security Solutions?" She asked abruptly as she can't think of anything to say. He just raised an eyebrow which Sakura interpreted as him not understanding her question.

"You know, I was introduce to this person earlier... was it Shishui Uchiha? I think so. But anyway, I haven't been directly attached to the business. I only know three or four businesses." She sighed. "It's just that I'm really curious since it seems everyone is talking about this certain Uchiha. But really, who are they anyway?"

The silence made Sakura uncomfortable thinking that she must have been so ashamed of not knowing anything at all.

"I'm very much acquainted with the Uchiha Security Solutions." Itachi said his eyes were trained at her.

"Really?!" She exclaimed, if she's gonna run with other Uchiha at least she have some basic information about them. "Are you working there?"  Was her next question.

He just nodded without further elaborating.

"When I met Shishui he seems to be a jolly person, is everyone like that?"

He chuckled and she was a bit amuzed by the laughter that seems to be worth a million to hear.

"No, I can certainly say that he is the different one."

"I thought so," Sakura felt a  disappointed so probably they're the typical arrogant rich people of the city.

"The Uchiha Security Solutions is about  security and safety business-- as the name describes it. They provide security service to events like this, privates investigation, house security system..." he explained like he was orienting a newly hired employee. "...and many more. I could actually give an hour lecture about that. But you being here the whole time instead socializing gives me the impression that you wouldn't care much."

Under the Cherry Blossom TreeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang