Chapter One : 'I am more scared than a kid in the haunted house right now'

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AN : Hey guys! This is my first story. I'm kind of new at this. I'm still figuring out how to make a story on Wattpad. I know, I'm not that bright with this. But thank God my friend knew how. I kept asking to her about everything, if she's not that patient, her head will blow any second.

Also, in my country I don't speak English. I'm from Indonesia. So I'm sorry if there's a lot of wrongs in this story. But I'm trying my best!😄

So again, I'm still new at this. I hope you like my story! if you like it, vote it and comment!


Chapter One : I am more scared than a kid in the haunted house right now.

It's a beautiful sunny day. The skies are blue, the birds are chirping, and it's just feels so....calm. Everyone will think it's gonna be a great day. Well, not for me, no. Do you know how it feels to leave your memories, friends, and your childhood town behind?

I guess not.

I'm moving away because my dad had a better job there. My family are not really wealthy, nor poor. We're somewhat in the middle, the one that have a regular house, not a mansion with lots of maids. now that I mention about that, I'm wondering how are people there. Are they wealthy rich? Are they kind? I'm not really good in socializing. Even here, I only have a few friends. I'm not popular or that stunningly beautiful, I'm just me.

Amy Shay Reynolds. Beach blonde hair, green eyes, pale skin, and kinda short. The girl who loves to play a piano and had a dream to be a popular professional pianist. You can consider me as a nerd too. Judging by the way I always carry a book everywhere I go.

"Amy, we need to go!" yelled my mom from downstairs. I'm currently in my room, still finishing to pack things, but it seems that I zoned out.

I quickly put everything in the box and scurrying downstairs. "I'm here." I said with a smile. My mom smiled back and told me to get in the car. Great. It's gonna be a long 3 hours to get there, and I hate sitting with Jake in the back. He annoys me so much.

Oh, did I mention I had a twin brother? His name is Jake Sean Reynolds. He's pretty much like me, except he has gray eyes and taller than me. We fight about everything. And when I mean everything, I mean literally EVERYTHING. From the smallest things like what's the best ice cream flavor, to the biggest thing like who's gonna get a car first. Just so you know, he's the one getting it. Mom and dad was pretty clear about that. He always win about something like that. Just because he's a minute older than me.

When I get in the car, Jake is already there grinning like an idiot. He's probably still excited about the car. I scowl at that. "Aww, why look so troubled baby sister? Is it because of the sad end of the book you're reading? Oh oh I know, is it because you're a sad loner who secretly wants a boyfriend? Or maybe you're still bitter because I get my car first?" Jake said as he nudged me with his elbow repeatedly.

"Shut up." I said, glaring at him. 

He snickered as he shook his head. "Cheer up will ya? I'll take you for a ride wherever and whenever you want once i got it."

I grumbled as a reply and grab the book that I'm currently reading, a romance novel. I was never really good in a relationship. Reading a romance novel was like reading a lovey-dovey relationship that will never happen in reality. I've been through that once, unfortunately. I thought this guy was supposed to be my 'Prince Charming', and then, surprise surprise. He cheated on me. I cried and cried for weeks then, before I realized that he's not even worth a penny. Thankfully, he moved away from here, and I hope it's really FAR FAR AWAY from here, from my next town.

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