Chapter Seven : 'A really creative and inappropriate words'

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Chapter Seven : 'A really creative and inappropriate words'

Laura on the side>>>>>>>>>>>>

--Amy's POV--

The next few days was all a blur to me. I haven't seen Reece at all. A few days ago he said he'll see me at school, and I was actually expecting for his presence around me. But he never was there. I already asked the girls of where he is, but they would always say, "He's usually like this. Probably football stuff."

I don't really like those kinds of answers. It's like they're just assuming what he was doing. He could have not in school. He could have been kidnapped. He could have run away and join a circus with all those creepy clowns (I know, weird). But who knows? There could be millions of possibilities of what he had been doing over the past few days.

But they would say that I was acting like some clingy girlfriend and would tease me if I actually like him.

I don't even know why I'm crazily worried about him. I mean, I didn't even know him that much. I just had this weird feeling about him. Not the kind of weird that he might be an axe murderer or something like that though. He just seem so mysterious and I feel like he's hiding something that even the girls wouldn't know.

Now that teachers had already been giving out homeworks, I gotta stop thinking about that. Boy problems aside, and hello dozens of dozens homework.

"Hey, Amy? How do you feel about helping me study?" Laura turned around, walking backwards, facing me.

It's free period, and we're wondering through the hallways trying to figure out what to do. I guess she already figure it out.

My mouth turned up. "Sure. We're not doing anything are we?"

It's like a schedule to me. On Monday, I had a free period with Tanya, Tuesday with Kelly, Wednesday with Valerie, and Friday with Laura. I'm alone at Thursday so I usually just went to the library and study.

Laura frowns, "I'm really gonna fail in history if someone didn't help me. There's so much memories on this brain can take!" She started to brought her hands up in the air in frustration.

I giggled. She's just really funny when she's like that. She looked like a mad man.

My giggled died down when I saw her being knocked off to the ground by someone from the other side. Well, that's what she gets for walking backwards.

"Ow..." She caressed her head and winced.

"I'm really sorry, I didn't see you..."

I look up to the person. He's one of Reece's friends. I think he's...the player type. Yeah, that's him.

He had a short brown hair that's swipe to the side and a built body, like it's really made for football. To think of it, Reece hadn't actually introduce any of the guys to me. So I have no idea who his name is. The only one I know is Alek, and that's because Kelly told me.

Laura seemed to have recovered from the hit and stand up, looking at him. She didn't look really happy. Actually she didn't look happy, at all.

"Ugh, not you. What do you want?" She had a scowl on her face. And a pretty bad scowl it is.

"Me? You're the one who is waling backwards." He raised an eyebrow at her.

"Well, it's not my fault for you to be stupid enough not to see me." She snorted, and stormed off pass him.

"I said I was sorry! I didn't mean it!" He yelled, and I had a feeling like the words had more meaning than this.

Trying to escape the awkward moment that just about to happen because Laura left me alone with apparently a guy I don't even know, I started to catch up with her.

"Hey, wait! Laura!" I grabbed her shoulders to stop her. "Who's that?"

"Max Green. The guy I told you before that I hated so much." She gritted her teeth. She looked like she's about to explode any second. So I just dragged her to the library and sit her down. Because I know it's the only place that prefent you from shouting or screaming or yelling a really creative and inappropriate words. And of course to help her study too.

We started to study for history, but I really can't shrugged the thing before. I mean, come on. She's as bubbly happy as a kid in a sugar rush. How can she hated someoe that much that even I can see it in her eyes.

" wanted to tell me what make you hated Max so much?" I dropped my pencil, folding my arms on the desk and laid my head on it to look at her.

She sighed. "It's a long story."

I shrugged. "Eh, I had time." I said, smiling at her.

"Okay, fine. It all started when I was 4 years old. I met him on the park a few blocks away from school. He's a cute little boy who gave me a dandelion, told me to blow it and make a wish."

"So what you wish for?"

"Well, since I like Disney princess and the ending always a kiss scene, I wish for a kiss.

"He was gleaming at me, then he leaned over and kiss me on the lips. It was just a peck, but it's good enough to won a 4 year old girl's heart. I instantly liked him. After that, we play together all the time. Me coming to his house, him coming to my house. Or go to the park to play at the swing."

I listened to her intently. This girl doesn't seem like she hated Max and all his guts. More like hate him and desprately in love with him.

"But when we were 6, he started playing with boys from school more than me. And then...he suddenly not my friend anymore. Instead, he made fun of me. He called me names, called me ugly, and I always said that it's not true and he's lying, because I remember him saying I'm the prettiest girl he ever seen. But still, I cried every time he said that. When calling me names wasn't enough, he started, you could say, bullied me.

"I remember when we're in third grade, he was up in a tree and he challanged me to climb it too. So I climb it. But then he pushed me and I ended up with a broken arm. I told mom and dad about it, but they said it was just his way of trying to tell me that he liked me. That he apparently don't know what to do and panic, making him pushed me. Yeah, like that would actually be true."

Her soft eyes from those good memories were gone. Instantly, hatred took over her light blue eyes with all those bad memories.

"Since then, I just kept being bullied by him until he stopped in eight grade. And I end up in the emergency room more times than you think."

On the outside, you can easily guess that she's a happy bubbly person. Living in a world with rainbows and unicorns where anything bad would be far away from her. But when you really know her, she might have been through hell more times than you do. She might have been broken more times than you do on the inside. More times she tried to get the pieces back together and it being crushed again, and again.

Well that's what I see from her right now.


Sorry guys if this is a shitty chapter. I just had to get this out of my head. This is a Reece-less chapter, because if I go on, it will be a hell of a really, really, long chapter. I want every character to have it's own story, so this is one of them. I think it's not really good if I only focus on a few character, because then it will be boring, and uneventful. So yeah, that's it. Wait for the next update guys! I've been planning on the next chapter to be publish, because things are going to get started. A big thing is going to happen soon! So just wait!

Love and Hugs,


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2018 ⏰

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