Chapter Three : 'Ladies and gentleman, a cat fight is about to begin'

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Chapter Three : 'Ladies and gentleman, a cat fight is about to begin'

--Amy's POV--

I had manage to avoid Mr. Cupcake, so far. He'd been trying to talk to me whenever we passes but being stopped either by his friends or me running away as fast as I could.

I know what you're thinking. I should just face him. I mean, I don't even know what he's gonna say. Remember when I said Jake's a coward? Well apparently, it runs in the family. It started when my dad was trying to ask mom on a date. It took him exactly a year to do that. And then they got married and had children. That explains everything.

I reached my locker to put my books. Me and Tanya decided to meet here before lunch. She said she's gonna introduce me to her group of friends. I'm curious and nervous at the same time. I hope they like me.

As I put them, my locker door was forced close. Someone's hand was on it. I blinked a few times before turning to the person. One thing came on my mind is that, she's, with a lack of word, a slut. Her boobs was going to fall out and I practically can see her underwear on that tiny skirt.

Another three girls were behind her, so I'm guessing that this girl is the leader. The usual group of barbie doll. I'm quite familiar with that group. You know, being the inbetweeners that I am and one of the haters group for them.

She had a look of disgust on her face looking me up and down. Okay, what's her problem? At least I don't look like a bitch, or slut, or a stripper. Pardon my colorful language.

"You're the new girl huh? I see that you've made friends with the enemy." The enemy? Let me rephrase today. I went to school, met Tanya, get stared by the cupcake guy and....this happen. I don't know what she's talking about. I think.

She must have notice my confused look because she said, "You're really slow, are you? It's Tanya, you idiot bitch." This girl is seriously obnoxious. Did she ever look in the mirror? The bitchiness was all over her face.

You know what, forget being a shy girl. I'm gonna slap this girl anytime, anywhere. But just as I was gonna do that, I was stopped. Tanya was holding my shoulder, staring cold at the girl.

"Don't you ever see yourself? You're the bitch, not her." Her stare was so scary that I couldn't even look her in the eyes. Note to me, never get to Tanya's bad side.

They're having a stare down for over a minute. No one is moving, not even me. Until....they started to attack each other. Ladies and gentleman, a cat fight is about to begin.

I just stared in shock at them, while everybody else were cheering them. What a pleasant thing to do at that moment. Note the sarcasm. Didn't everyone have anything else better to do? At least try to stop it!

As much as I wanted to stop it, I couldn't move. I couldn't even talk. There was some hair pulling, scratching and pushing. Some people may have brought popcorn and watch, but not me. I mean, come on! This is violence!

"Okay, okay! Break it up!" a guy with long black hair was right in between them. Which make him got scratch too. "Ow, okay! Stop! Let's go Amber!" he dragged the queen bitch away from us, while Tanya was fixing her clothes and hair.

I finally snap out of it and asked, "Who was that?!" my eyes are still wide though.

"That's Amber Hills, and her minions. My worst enemy since middle school." She said, glaring to where that Amber girl had been dragged to.

What did I just get into? Only one day here, I already got an enemy. I don't know if I should feel happy or feel sorry for myself to have Tanya as a friend. But I guess I really can't reject her kindness to me. It's just really sweet.

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