Chapter Five : 'He's been following me everywhere like a lost puppy'

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Chapter Chapter Five : 'He's been following me everywhere like a lost puppy'

--Amy's POV--


My alarm clock rang loudly in my room. I lazily tried to turned it off. My hand reached aimlessly at the clock but ended up on the floor groaning in pain.

"Shit." I hissed. I just fell from the bed, face on the floor. Well that wake me up good. I rubbed my face in agony. Why must things like this happen to me?

There was a knock on my door and a click that told me somebody was coming in. "What are you doing on the floor?" Jake frowned at me. Not even bothering to help me up or something.

"Oh I don't know. Saying good morning to the floor. What do you think?" I said sarcastically.

"Geez, no need to be sarcastic." I heave myself up since he still didn't bother to do anything.

I sighed. "I fell off the bed because of trying to turned off the alarm." He's still on his boxers, so he's naked chest was right in front of me. If I were Tanya, I would be on the ground, fainted. I imagine if they ended up together and decided to sleep with each other. I shivered. I guess it's a bad idea to even think about that. It's quite possibly the grossest thing ever.

Jake was still in the room, frowning at me. "You tied up your hair when you're asleep?" He pointed at my hair. I thought I already let it loose.

I reached for my hair and shrugged. "I guess I forgot to free it." Finally freeing my hair out of the tight bun.

"What? That's it? I thought you're like mom when she forgot to free it." He said before he practically screeched "Oh, my hair is still tied up! I'm sorry my beautiful hair! Oh poor you." I laughed. It's freaking hilarious when he screech. He sounded like a singing rat.

"I did not say that!" Mom shouted as she came in. Her face was red of embarrassment. I was writhing on the floor because it hurts when I laugh so hard.

Now mom is red not just of embarrassment, but because of anger too. Although Jake didn't seem to be scared at this moment. He's still laughing his face off on the ground. Clearly touched by his own joke.

Mum huffed like a little kid and storm out the room. My family is like a bunch of 5 years old. I can't believe I'm the only one who's still sane. Well, most of the time.

I kicked Jake out of my room and headed to the bathroom to take a shower. After I dried my hair, I wear my outfit for today. I wear a black crop top that showed my shoulder blades, over a purple tank top. Slipping on my black legging and my black knee high boots, and I'm ready to go. I'm rocking my outfit today.

I let my hair lose and shake it a little. "Are you done acting like a sunsilk commercial?" Jake's sarcastic voice was right behind me. I scowl at him from the mirror. Deciding just to ignore what he said, I walked pass him and went downstairs.

I didn't feel like having breakfast, so I just took a granola bar and get to the car. We arrived at school in minutes, as usual students were hanging around the yard.

I walked through the doors with Jake, noticing the stares from girls around us. What's wrong with them? Oh right. Jake's right beside me. He's like a magnet to those hungry eyes. I can't believe he's not even feeling a little getting eye rape.

Suddenly, I felt some weight on my shoulders. I turned to my right to found Jake was not there but actually Reece about centimeters away from my face. I shrieked in reflex. My heart was beating rapidly as I tried to calm it down. Not a few minutes here, I'm already having a heart attack.

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