Chapter Two : 'Here it is...the new girl'

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Chapter Two : 'Here it is...the new girl

--Amy's POV--

This is the day that I freak out.

First day of school was always a problem for me. The anxiety I felt every time was exhausting. But first day of school at a new town? Was even more exhausting. I couldn't shake the feeling that somehow, I'm going to mess up one way or another. I don't even know what to wear to begin with.

"Mom, I'm having trouble!" I yelled from my room. My mom is always the first person I ask about my problems. No matter how small or big they are, she always manage to work it out for me. I remember that time when I was crying myself out because of Nate. She hugged me tight and told me that everything is gonna be okay. I don't know how she did it but she made me smile in the end. She's the best.

My mom was in my room in seconds. "What's wrong honey?" she smiled.

"I can't decide what to wear. Can you help me?" I gestured my hands to a few clothes I laid out on my bed. My mom shakes her head smiling. "You're really nervous are you?" I hung my head and nod slightly.

She walks up to me and hugged me. "Oh honey, you don't need to be nervous. I'm sure people here are all nice." She caress my head. "Now lets get you dress okay?" I look up to her smiling.

We ended up choosing a grey skirt that goes to my mid thigh and a long sleeve shirt, also grey color with pink hearts. "You look nice sweetie." she said, as I stood in front of the mirror.

She's right. I do look nice. I let my long wavy blonde hair falls down to my back. I smiled. I think this will make the first impression. My clothes look simple. Just as I wanted to. I put on my brown knee high ankle boots to complete all of it.

We went downstairs and eat breakfast. Dad was already gone for work today. Every monday, he always went to work earlier than all of us. He said it's the monday spirit. That's the weird thing about my dad. Normally people hate mondays, because that means no more weekends, more work. Only dad loves mondays. While the rest of us are not quite fond of that day. Especially me. I mean, who in the world want to wake up early to go to school. Even if I want to sleep in, I can't do that. Mom would pour a bucket of cold water on me. Believe me, I've been through that.

Jake came down a few minutes after. He's wearing a black skinny jeans and a black t-shirt that says 'I'M SEXY AND I KNOW IT'. You can say that he is quite a good looking guy. But no way in hell I'm ever gonna admit that to him. It would boost his already big ego.

He grabbed a granola bar and kissed mom's cheek. And then he literally dragged me to the car while I'm still eating my cereal. I choked on my way and when I was asking help from mom, she's laughing her ass off on the floor. Really mom?

"You sicko!" I screamed after I catch my breath. Is he trying to kill me?! I'm choking and he didn't even do something! he just laugh until we reach the car! Oh that jerk!

I'm gritting my teeth and clenching my fists. If you stand really close to me, you practically can hear my teeth clashing together and I'm pretty sure it's gonna break any second now. "Just get in the car." he said between chuckles.

I stomped my way back to the house and grab my bag, muttering curses along the way. I got in the car and Jake sped off. I never speak while the drive, because I'm still pissed off of my stupid brother. You can only hear the music on the radio and Jake humming. He had a quite nice voice when he sings. I'm gonna admit that, when he's singing in front of a crowd. Which I doubt that'll ever happen. Jake's pretty much a coward.

We arrived in front of the school. There were students everywhere, probably sharing about their summer holidays. I gulp, shaking like a maniac. I didn't think that I'd be this nervous.

Jake touched my shoulder, he's smiling at me. "Hey, don't be nervous. just stay cool, okay?" I nod my head. He got out of the car and walked to school. I can see girls are already staring at him with dreamy eyes. I'm really different from him. While he's the cool kind of guy, and I'm the socially awkward kind of girl. No doubt, he's gonna join the football team today.

I took a deep breath and opened the door. Come on, you can do this Amy! Just be cool, be cool. I walked to school, glancing everywhere to find people whispering and looking at me. Here it is...the new girl. Only a few seconds I got here, I'm already the topic of today's news.

I walked faster to avoid any whispering I don't like. The school was really big, bigger than my old one. I quickly went to the principal's office. As I open the door, a girl came crashing right at me. "Oh my gosh! I am so, so sorry!" the girl said.

I looked up. The girl was absolutely beautiful. She had brunette hair and a tall figure. Her expression was a mix of panic and concerned. It looks so awkward and funny that I'll laugh my ass of right now if I wasn't on the ground writhing in pain.

"Are you okay? Again, I'm so sorry. I'm really clumsy." She laughed nervously. I smiled at her, getting up and telling that I'm okay.

She breath a sigh of relief. "Hey, I've never seen you before. Are you the new girl?" I nodded my head.

" can get your schedule and then I'll show you around." I nodded my head again and get my schedule from the principal. I came back to see that girl leaning on a wall waiting for me.

"By the way, I'm Tanya Davis. You are...?" she stuck her hand at me. "Amy Reynolds." I said with a smile and shook her hand.

She showed me around for a few minutes before the bell rang. She's really kind. She would be a perfect girlfriend for everyone. Beautiful, kind and I just know that she's smart. The kind of girl my brother would have the hots on. Maybe he might have a shot.

I arrived at my class, and luckily Tanya had the same with me. We took a seat in the middle row. I could see everybody staring at us. I started to hyperventilate. I don't like people staring at us, it's uncomfortable. I'm started to calm down when I feel a hand on my shoulder. Tanya was smiling at me trying to comfort me. I sighed in relief as I remember that I'm not alone.

As the class goes on, I can feel a stare burning my back. It's been nagging me since I got here. I turned to the person who's staring at me.

My heart stopped.

It's him. The cupcake guy.

Ugh, why such a small world? I can't face him after that encounter at the cupcake store. It was embarrassing. What was I doing yelling at him, being petty just because he said I wasn't lady like. Seriously.

He had this smirk on his face as he stared at me. Like he's planning something wicked in that head of his.


Hello people! So I decided to continue this story because my friend told me to, and because i sort of forgot the plot and everything, I'm going to edit all of the chapters that were already published to a new one. But don't worry, I'm not going to change a lot about the story, just some little details about it. I hope you guys are willing to read my story again.

Love & Hugs,


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