32 || New Beginnings

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"It's Election Day in Gotham, with former mayor Aubrey James and former criminal kingpin Oswald Cobblepot running toe to toe for the first time..."

The Van Dahl mansion was packed with people - many of them endorsers, representatives, and committee members. Their conversations were mainly about the campaign and making last-minute preparations. Balloons were tied in groups - blue, red, and white - and floated in different areas of the giant house. Colorful posters were taped on the walls with Oswald's image and the words: Oswald Cobblepot Mayor - Vote! Along with his infamous slogan: Make Gotham Safe Again.

Today was the big day. Election Day.

We would find out if Oswald's efforts to become mayor worked. Although I firmly believe it did because he's shown he wants to help Gotham, it matters to him, and everyone knows it. He deserves it.

I smoothed out my navy blue dress and tried to fix my curled hair. This would be my first time in public after what happened that night. People needed to see that I was presentable and still standing on my two feet. I walked further into the busy room, smiling at those who passed by me.

"Look who we have here." Someone tall blocked my view - Edward. He had a giant grin sprawled on his face, showing off his pearly white teeth. "Reese, you look stunning."

I beamed, "Thank you." My hands motioned to his slicked-back hair and the suit Oswald picked out for him, along with my dress. Black with olive green lines. "What about you, dashing young man?"

He chuckled, "Thanks." The radiant smile on his face fell within the second he noticed something behind me. His expression turned to one of wonder, eyeing whatever it was carefully.

Curiously, I looked behind, following his gaze. My focus rested on Butch Gilzean, who had handed a manila envelope to one of the many endorsers. I heard him say something that sounded like, 'you should take care of it'. I raised a brow, cocking my head, wanting to believe it wasn't what I was thinking. "Intriguing."

"That does not look right, you agree?" Edward mumbled, "Suspicious."

My jaw clenched as I turned to him. "Ed," I replied sternly, making his head twist to look at me. His expression had changed to an innocent one, as if asking, 'What?' "Please just stay out of trouble."

My brother pushed his glasses up and continued to stare without replying, possibly ignoring me. I sighed, shaking my head. It was common for Edward to get into situations not intended for him, especially when they had to do with people he cared about. But he had just been released. If he meddled with the election and confronted Oswald or Butch, it wasn't going to end well. I knew Oswald needed this, and he wouldn't appreciate someone (not even a friend) telling him what to do.

"I must say you are looking quite the dapper fellow," Oswald Cobblepot chirped, pulling our attention towards him. He stood proudly in his beautiful suit, which seemed to be dark navy blue with a purple undertone. We grinned back at him, "Reese, you look as lovely as always."

My face flushed, embarrassed. "Thank you, Oswald. You're looking very handsome."

The future mayor gave us a grin; it fell slightly in concern as he turned towards Ed. "I had to guess on the jacket and dress size, I hope they fit."

I nodded reassuringly, "To a T."

"Perfectly," Edward spoke simultaneously as me, smiling sincerely.

"Yeah." I chuckled humorously, "I'm quite surprised you got Eddie's size correct. I mean, he is literally a stick." My brother narrowed his eyes into a playful glare, making me snicker.

FREAKS || Jerome Valeska¹Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt