Introduction and rules.

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Hey guys! How are you? Good? I hope so. If not, why not use some poetry to vent your feelings? 

First some ground rules and then we can get into the fun stuff! 

1-post poetry entries in the comments of the chapter your applying for to make it easier to everyone. If you don't want other to read them feel free to message me and make sure to ask me not to post it in the chapter if you win. 

2-keep it pg13 guys, some swearing is okay ( but preferred not) but anything above that will be deleted from the contest.

3-be respectful of other people's poetry otherwise you will not be allowed to participate again.

4-have fun!

Okay, now the part I'm sure your all waiting for, what happens if you win?

-I will post winners in a following chapter along with their poem (if they don't ask me not to), there will possibly be three winners?

-first place will get 20 votes on a book of their choice and a review in the book of one chapter. 

-second place will get 10 votes on any book of your choice and a review of one chapter.

-third place will get 10 votes on a book of your choice

If these prizes seem inadequate or you have other ideas for prizes make sure to notify me, I want to make sure this is worth your while. The next three chapter will be for my own poetry, read if you want to, for the contests please skip to chapter five.

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