Contest three results!

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Hey everyone! You all did amazing and sent in some very heartfelt poems but now I will announce the winners of the top three prizes!

First place will get 20 votes in a book of choice and a review of one chapter of choice.

Second place will get 10 votes in a book of choice and a review of one chapter of choice 

Third place will get 10 votes

And the winners are...

First place- ImperfectARA- Thank you so much for entering and sharing your heartfelt and beautiful poem! PM me with what book(s) you would like for your prizes!

Second place-M_Serry- Thank you for your beautiful and haunting poem! PM me with requests for which book(s) you would like your prizes in! 

Third place-ourforeverlostsouls- Thank you for entering your poem, I could feel it deeply. PM me with requests for which book you would like your prize on!

Thank you all for entering and even if you didn't win, don't be discouraged! All of your poems were beautiful and I thouroughly enjoyed reading every one of them, maybe you will win a future contest with those skills! 

Another note, most of the entered poems were about suicide, if this is currently a part of your life then please feel free to contact me via PM or find a confidant like a trusted friend. This really means a lot to me and I am very willing to talk with you! 

Here is the first place winning poem! 

Prison and ReleaseHow can one wish to die?they say for they want peace, for living is wild,and death is their release. For living is a prison,with no bars nor chains,but to suffer and to be hidden,pain with no restrains. Then what of it after?will death,make the pain falter?or directly knocks you out of breath?For shall death is unexpected,it will come,in ways that cannot be interpreted,and for that a seldom. Whilst you're still living,live your life to the fullest,until God's upbringing,for then he takes you away, thy blessed.We never know, what death is like,and neither shall death know,what living is like.

Okay, on to the next contest! 

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