Contest four (CLOSED)

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Hey guys! Welcome back! Thanks to all of you who participated in my last contest and welcome to all you newcomers! As always I will give you one word and it's opposite, you can write a poem about either one or both. Then, submit it in the comment section below or PM me, whatever you are comfortable with! Let's get onto it! 

And the word is.... truth and it's opposite lies

This contest will end April 2nd at a time of my choosing, just sometime that day. I will choose three winners, 

First prize is 20 votes on a book of your choice and a review of a chapter of your choice 

Second place is 10 votes of a book of your choice and a review of a chapter of your choice

Third place is 10 votes on a book of your choice.

Good luck yo all of you amazing writers! Let's go!

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