Contest five results!

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Yay! The new contest winners are in! Let's jump right in! 

First place- winner of 20 votes on a book of your choice and and a review of one chapter of your choice is... V3dansh! Thank you for your participation and just PM me for your prizes! 

Second place-winner of 10 votes in a book of your choice and a review on a chapter of your choice is Jellybelly! Congratulations and you can also PM me for your prizes! 

For now those are the only winners I will be choosing but don't be discouraged if you didn't win this one, there is always the next one coming up! Thanks again! 

Poem by V3dansh:

-Wealth; Greed-Listen, oh people! Listen, all men. don't unsee the wickedness of wealth if happiness is a book then don't misread it's pages Cause money isn't a everlasting smile, It's also a curse to your health. Like a knife it can make you bleed,It's not just a problem-cutter, but also a pain. not forever, Its a temporary bliss. a useless little rain which is never enough to feed-your soul, cause you are born with a sin, a sin called greed.

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