my poetry

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So I write this poem for another poetry contest. The theme was sickness. Background your should know is that I have a little known mental disorder called misophonia which means sounds torture my ears. Look it up for the full explanation.

Sickness of the mind, mental illness. Mental disorder.Mental.Mine is the torment of sounds.Sounds catch in my ears and rip me apart.From the inside out,There is no fighting now,Hold your ears and screamIt won't accomplish anything.Cry till there are no tears left to weep,Because tears most treasured I keep.Noise may scrape your ears until they bleed,And your heart is heavy with pain.And plead.Because sounds can be a sickness,No one has to know.Like a tumor, In your mind it may grow.And growAnd growGet used to pressing down painBecause this may be all you'll ever know.

I don't even remember why I wrote this one but eh.

I am the wind that shifts through the meadows

Winding between every blade of grass

I am the song carried out strong and proud

I am sung by the sparrows and the gulls above

I am sung by the frogs and the crickets under the stars

I am the river rushing

Waves overlapping losing themselves in a spray of salt

I am the rainbow

A brilliant golden ark

I am the leaves that hum with every hiss of a breeze

I am the clouds that loom overhead

Casting shadows upon the earth below

I am the sun

Rising high with each new day

I am the sway of the wind

Against the new mother birds nest

I am the flower

Each golden petal blooming toward the arching sun

I am the butterfly

Drifting on a breeze with delicate wings

I am the earth rumbling hot within

I am every grain of soil

Every speck of dust

I am the world

And the world is me 

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