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Xander's P.O.V
"Where the hell is pack doctor,why haven't he arrived yet?"
"Sorry Alpha I Was collecting my things."said pack doctor as he came into room with panic expressions and stand still in door.

"What are you waiting for,come and check what happened to her."I said sternly and he started walking toward her taking every step slowly,and at last came near her bed and try to touch her hand,and a growl left from my lips.

""Don't freaking touch what's mine,otherwise I'll twist that Hand of your's and shove it in you." I growled I could I bear touch of someone else on my mate.

"Xander he's not touching her in appropriately,he's doctor he had to look for injuries let him do his work Luna need his help."said Alex camly

"Okay hurry up."I said not looking at anyone just focusing on my mate she seems so petite and fragile how could someone be so ruthless to her she seems like light Angel who can't bear a little louder voice here she's been beaten to her pulp.

""I am gone beat shit out of that peace crap so called Alpha he didn't deserve to be a Alpha I will tear him apart."growled Zac (my wolf) and nagging to be out but right now I'll be better in my human form then a wolf form."

"" Ahh" as I was fumbling with my on feelings a feeble scream left from my mate's lips and it passed to my heart like a thorned knife.

""What the f**k are are you doing.""I said and goes near her and sit beside her in bed and suddenly my eyes met with Larcenations and a stream of curse left my lips and I evert my eyes toward her face and she seems so wan
""What happend why are her cuts not healing."I said to Pack doctor and he look and me with guarded look and said.

""Alpha her Larcenations are septic we had to burn them first so that they'll heal faster and not effect her skin badly."

""What the hell ? Do you proposed that I'll let you burn skin of my mate with ill had you head in platter if you consider such idea." I said with so much angriness and eyed him and he cower back and bow down and said so meekly.

" A..Alpha's the.. only cure. ....otherwise her Larcenations became septic and she'll suffer so much pain.

His words cause so much restlessness within me and Zac was growling impatiently and after centuries I felt this feeling of being under so much pressure as I was going to lose an important part of my life I don't now why the hell I am feeling like that I don't bloody need a mate it will be better if she'll die but why I want to be near her why I want to touch her why I want to see those blue oceans of her eye why seeing her in pains is shattering my soul why I want to make her pain away I don't want mate I don't bloody want any weakness as I was battling with my inner feelings I felt a moment in my hand and as I look downward I saw her hand moves in my hand because in concessionly I was crushing her hand so I losend my grip and pat her hand softly and look at her she seems like she's been tourtuing since years.

""We had to use it we had to make our mate's pain away."said Zac as it was also so painful to look our mate in such state but the thing he's referring I can't do that I don't want to do that

""Zac you know I can't do that it may cause more pain to her her body is not in that state to bear that much that we endured."

""But I can't see our my mate in this state do something."says Zac

'"Out everyone now." I growled and everyone look at me with questioned look I growled gain  "' don't I have to make you leave, if I had to I'll not let you leave on your own feet so better be quick otherwise feel the consequences.""everyone left room within blink .

""Xander if you're going to do which I am thinking then you're wrong."" Said Alex with so much guraded look

""You're being impudent Beta Alexander." I said with stern voice laced with Alpha power and he bow down and I feel bad using my Alpha voice on my childhood friend but friend or not I am not going to let anyone disrespect me.

""Sorry Alpha I didn't meant to be but it'll be dangerous and we are not in our territory.""

""I don't bloody care I will not let my mate suffer and what did you mean by we are not in our territory this whole Kingdom is my freaking  territory now go and let me do my part of work.""

"'And I want Henderson in silver cuffs when I came out of this freaking room am I clear.""

""Yes Alpha.""with that said he left room and I unlaced my hand from her hands and start uncovering her cuts and cursed loudly um gone kill that bastard Alpha there were cuts everywhere over her body there is no place left where there where no bruises and cuts and I've started caressing my hand over her cuts and stream of coldness started flowing from my body and she started screaming and I've compressed all my power and magic into stream of blue light which started passing out of me and poured into her fragile soft body and her screams stopped and her Larcenations started healing and look her healed body cause calmness in me and a small smile placed on my lips and a soft purred left from her sumptuous lips which caused a heavenly feeling surched in my body and I stop caressing her now healed body and feel relaxed and start to move away so that I left this room and deal with that scum of Alpha as I was leaving I felt a tuck on my hand and look behind and sees that my hand Is in hand of my precious mate and she try to said something which I didn't recognised and I bent down near her lips to understand what why she want to said but as words left her lips stream of angriness passed through my body

"''t....leave. ...I. ..I. don't. .....I.. ....don't...don't""she said stammering in each and every word which cause pain and angriness in me I bent down kissed her forehead and said with less arogant voice

""I won't Mate,but I had to deal with that bloodly scum."with that said I blow a little spell over her and she goes in sweet sleep again now I had to take care that bloody scum. And left room as soon as I left her room I growled

""Alexander bring that bloody Alpha here and every freaking member of this pack in ground within 5 min other wise um going to murder each and every life on this freaking territory....

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