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Whimpers are only thing I can hear now and I came to my senses as clouded anger settled down I felt anger again but this time on my onself why did I do that? why did I show my weakness now everyone will think that my mate Is my weakness and with angerness I yelled.

"""Enough for now everyone stand."" As I said voices of lashes stops but male are unable to be free apart from platform and everyone is looking at me and I don't know why are they not obeying my command ? why are they still on platforms in handcuffs it make Zac upset that his people's are not obeying his command so he came on surface before I could controll him he waved a heavy wave of power over them and growled.

""" why are you still on platforms? Do you want me to burnt you all down in ashes for showing disrespect.""" He growled and everyone hover into their self's more
""" Alpha you've chained them with your you know that..."" says Alex meakly and I remember that I've bound them so I started chanted and serge of electricity strikes down the ground and everyone set free from cuffs and try to stand.

"" I think this would be enough leason for you"" I said before I walk toward pack house and my 1st and 2nd in command follows me.
"" meet in my mate room after 5 min both of you."" I said before walking toward my mate room,as I was striding toward door I can feel the pull and sense of completeness as I open the door and my eyes set over body of my mate me and my wolf yearn for her which is really a bad sign I don't want her in my life I don't want mate in make life I don't want any weakness but this is the continous war in me letting my self out from these thought's and stride toward my mate she was sleeping peacefully her wounds seems healed and her breath is is calm which gave me calmness every cell in my me Is yearning to touch her. Zac is nagging to comeout because he can't sense her wolf but maybe it's because she's under influence of my words that I've chant over her to make her rest properly before I could think more about It voice of foot steps walking toward door be heard and my instinct suddenly wakes and I cover her with blanket that no one would ever be able to see her body.
""" Alpha can we come in"" voice of Alex rings in my brain and I gave them permission they opened the door without averting their eyes on me I look at them with scrutinising gaze and sit down on one of the couches presents in the room and started giving them directions

""prepare everything before dawn we'll leave toward castle and before going arrange meeting to solve mysterious creatures problem and if we'll not be able to do so then Alex you'll stay behind along with 100 of Royal guard.""" I said sternly and look at Alex because as I know my childhood friend from his facial expressions he'll contradict with my decision and he parted his lips and said

""Knight you're my Alpha I respect you're decision but not this one because right now you seems like under spell of your mate and I am not going take risk to be alone and stay here at least one of us would have to be in his sane mind without any mate spell so I am not going to stay here Jackson(gamma) will stay along with royal guards.""" Hearing him a low growl escape from my lips and I stride toward him and look into his eyes and he avert them and said

"'' what do you mean by that ? Are you saying that I am not capable to look after myself ? Don't forget that I am your king! "" I growled into his face as I growled I heard a soft whimper from my mate Which soothes down my anger and heard voice of Alex in my head.

"" this is what I am talking about you're completely under mate bond I didn't mean to be impudent I just can't let you like this because you've let you're guards down and you know I am not saying this as beta but as friend I care for you so I am going with you and yes I'll start preparing and we'll be out of this pack before dawn."" He said and I gave him haughty gaze but he walked toward door he's the only friend and family I'd so I let it go and look at Jackson he bow down and go out I stride toward source of whimper and look at her she seems restless like she's having bad dream I sit near her on bed and bend over her and chant some words and gust of power flows in my body and blow air on her face and she smiles lightly which creates unknown feelings in me and I don't know what came over me that I bent on her forehead and let my lips touches her forehead which feels unexplainable why I am pulling toward her as this thought came to my mind I stand and walk toward couch and held my hairs in my head why she's effecting me ?why I wanted to protect her? Why I am feeling that she's very important for me?? So many questions flood into my head and getting rid of them I mind linked Alex to bring anyone who's near to my mate so that I know why is she treated worst like an animal and waited for Alex to bring that person

""Alpha he's James Luna's friend."" And a young man came in walking hobbley I think because of lashes but why did she'd male friend Zac feels territorial about I blocked Zac and look at him with scrutinizing gaze and said

""Pup I want you to tell me each and everything about mate. Why did this pack behaves brutally with her and I want truth if I sense any lie those would be last words ever came out of your mouth."" I said haughtly and he shrieked back but parted his lips to start

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