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Everyone is before me bowing their head but still this is not what I am looking for my wolf is yearning to get head of that scum excuse of Alpha who had hurt my mate but where he's.
"" where's the Alpha I want him before me now where the hell is he."" I growled and see everyone shrieked into their skins.
"" My king he's coming." Said Katherine as she was saying I've heard his steps coming toward pack ground, and feel presence of Zac in my head.

"" um not going to let him walk in his foot next how could he bloody do that to my mate."" Said Zac into my head and I felt restless why I am having such agression just because he'd hurt my mate but I don't want mate in my life I've always wished that I've never had one now why is it bothering me that she's in pain that she's hurt as I was findling with my thoughts I've heard his voice which brings me back from my internal fight and yes um not doing this because she's my mate I am doing all this because she's women and no one is allowed to behave in such way with women like he'd behaved.
"" Yeah right make excuse."" Said Zac
Shut up Zac

"" Alpha I. ..I. ."" Said that scum
""I am you're king!  Alpha so you better bow down and better not forget that.Now tell explain you're self within 2 min and you better not think about lying to me."" I said gazing into his soul and feel fear.

"" Alpha I. .I. . Am sorry I didn't know that she is your mate."""
After hearing such a lame excuse a higher pitched growl left from me laced with such power that everyone hovers down and I strode toward him that every step of mine tomps with such power that now I can feel bad for him too that now he is not going to look another day of his life now my inner devil awakes.

"" you filthy piece it's not that she's my mate it's that she is women and no one is allowed to look down to them and treat them like slave and abuse them. "" I said that as grips of my hand tighten over his neck and he starts to get blue and had problem taking next breath.

""" My King please don't please mercy he's my mate. "" said his luna

""" Beta Alexander I want silver cuffs right now."" I said letting him go and he start coughing for breath and I evert my eyes toward pack who are still in fear and hovering toward ground.

"" stand up everyone." I growled
""" All of you are equally responsible for this brutel behaviour with a helpless women and all of you will get punished and will always remember that I'll make sure that.""  I growled

"" Alpha cuffs."" Mumbled Alex
""" cuff him and be very male of the  pack and they are to be whiped by their on mates until they'll have bruises equal to my mate and if anyone of my them show mercy I'll be the one to make their death miserable I promise."""

"" But Alpha.""  Mumbled Alex along with alots of fearing whispers from pack.

"" Beta do you want me to start punishment from you and believe me I'll be as brutal as beast."" I growled with so power that every whisper stopped abruptly 

  """ Gamma why it had not started yet. ""I eyed my gamma with command.
  ""  Alpha we don't have much cuffs to cuff the whole pack."" He said meakly as he said that I heard breaths of relaxation and my mind gave evil smirk but before that Zac butt in again:
""" No we can't do what you're thinking, it will be dangerous specially now that we are in war with Unknown mysterious enemy."" Zac gave his views

""" I gave damn to everyone I just want to get ride of this continous nag."" And started chanting what is meant to be hidden what is meant to be used in hour of use but what is the use of all this  if can't use my gift of should I said curse for my mate, as I was chanting a wave of energy along with mist of blue light started serging into my body and I started hearing horrific voices of every single one of the pack member and I feel pleased for the very first time in decades use this gave me pleasant feeling because nothing would be more terrible then hurting you're own mate and this will be always remembered
And when I opened my eyes I sell every male is cuffed with silver chain over flat wodden platform and every female mate had a sliver lash in their hand so that their hand burnt too.

""Start everyone so that you know is it to see you're mate in pain and yeah remember if anyone of you show mercy I'll fullfill my promise I said with powerful  growl."" I looked them all flinch back but this ain't gone work they bruatily beat my mate and now I'll show them what pain is.

""" you females start lashing your mate or I'll kill them and cut your lines."" I command them and it was impossible for them to not respond to my command so I started hear horrifying growls of males and meak whimpers of females but I feel satisfied at least I can avenge for my mate which makes me and Zac satisfied and scene before my eyes was for other was so brutal but for me it was so satisfied which gave me inner peace I know in me that it's so brutal but what they've done is incomparable.

""My king please mercy they'll die of pain not because of sliver but because they're geeting that pain from their mates please...""" said Alex with worriness and concern but I am still cloud with anger I don't want this to be end so easily.

king of Alphas Where stories live. Discover now