Chapter 2 - Alone

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Funneh's POV

"You're nothing to Alec. He will NEVER love you." Her words hurt me more than a knife.

I see four figures coming closer.

"RAINBOW!" I scream, running up to her. She fades away as I get closer. "GOLD!" I run to her, fading away just like Rainbow did. "LUNAR!" She also fades away when I get close to her. "DRACO!!!" I scream when he fades away, leaving me all alone. I see a man, in a hoodie, off in the distance. I sprint to him, panting as I run. It's Alec. "Alec, please don't leave me..." I say, in tears. He vanishes, his body bursting into small dust particles.

Tears run down my cheeks, and everything starts turning dark. "No one needs you, no one wants you. No one will ever love you, Funneh." Felicia stands right in front of me. She then grows bigger, covering most of my eyes sight. I try to run from her but my feet are glued to the ground. She pulls out a sledgehammer, pushing it down towards me.

"FUNNEH!" I hear screams and wake up, panting, tears rolling down my cheeks. I see my four siblings and I put my arms around them, holding them tight. "Funneh, did you have a nightmare?" Lunar asks me. "Yes, but I don't wanna talk about it." I say, getting out of my bed, heading towards my closet. "If you ever want to tell us what happened, we're here for you." Draco smiles as my siblings walk out of my room.

I put on black jeans and a white, long sleeve hoodie.

I go downstairs and see my siblings at the table. I ignore them and head towards the front door. "Funneh, where are you going?" Rainbow asks me. "On a walk." I say, walking out the door.

It's pouring rain outside, and my hair and clothes are getting soaked with water. My boots splash waves up onto my face, but I don't care at all. I cover my head with the hoodie. I look down and continue walking.

Soon, brown shoes stop right in front of me. I look up to see who it is. "Hey Funneh! Do you know where Gold is? I want to get ice cream with her." "She's at our house." I walk around him. "Can you tell her to meet me at Pat's Ice Cream Parlor at 5:00 today?" "I don't think I'm going to see her for the rest of the day." I say. I speed up but I hear footsteps catching up to me. "But Funneh, you live with her." Kyran says. "I know that." I start to run, trying to lose him. I hear him following me. Soon, I am at a stoplight. I run across the street, almost getting hit by a car.

Rainbow's POV

"Don't you think Funneh's been acting strange recently?" I ask the krew. "Yeah. She didn't even stop to eat the breakfast I made!" Gold says. "That's because you were cooking this morning, Gold." Draco says. "Hey, my cooking is the best cooking ever!" Gold says. Draco rolls his eyes. "Guys, I feel like her dreams may be connected to this." Lunar says. "What do you mean, Lunar?" I ask her. "She woke up in tears. She looked like she just had a bullet shot into her." "Your right. Her dreams may have a connection to the way she has been acting lately." I say.

Evelyn's POV

I was in my room, reading a mystery book when I heard the doorbell ring. I race to the door and twist the doorknob open.

"FUNNEH?!?" I was surprised to see the blue-haired girl at my house. She was looking down, not showing her face, but I could tell it was her by the blue strands of hair falling out of her hoodie. "Do you need anything, Funneh?" I ask her. "Can I stay here for the night?" She asks me. "Uh, sure." I say to her. She has never spent a night at my house before. "You can sleep in the guest room."

I suddenly realize that she is still standing outside in the cold, wet, air. "Come in, Funneh." I say, holding the door open for her. She steps inside my house, and I close the door behind her. "Did you get into a fight with your siblings?" I ask her. "No." She answers, taking her hoodie off her head, revealing her dark blue hair. I stare into her eyes, trying to find out what brought this girl here. After a few moments, I give up. "Would you like something to eat?" I ask her. "No thanks." She says, curling up on the couch. I'm hungry myself, so I grab a salad from the fridge. I plop down next to her on the sofa, and turn on Maddie's Mystery News.

"Hey everyone! Today, we will discuss the new topic of why did the monkey, Ben, escape from the local zoo. We think that he was monkeynapped. Police are still looking for clues to where he was taken. We have three possible suspects so far. Nancy Louis, Tommy Smith, and Lucy-"

Suddenly, the show gets cut off and the TV goes blank. All of the lights in the house suddenly turn off, leaving us in the dark. "I'll go get flashlights." I say, setting down my salad on the table in the middle of the living room. Funneh's face is totally blank when I pass by her. I go down to the basement, grab two flashlights, and come back up to Funneh. She is still sitting on the couch, motionless. "Funneh, are you ok?" I ask her, handing her a flashlight. She doesn't move for a few seconds, and then suddenly yanks the flashlight out of my hands. I was shocked at her sudden movement. I clicked the button on my flashlight, and it illuminates the area we're in. Funneh just sits there, flashlight in hand, fingers shaking. Then her head hits the pillow on the sofa, and her flashlight rolls out of her hand, onto the floor.

Thank You For Reading This Chapter! Next One Coming Soon

Little Dreams - KREW Story (Completed)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें