Chapter 6- Finale (Part 2)

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Funneh's POV

My hands fling over my mouth, and the key drops to the ground with a small 'thud.'

"Funneh..." "What do you thing your doing?!?" I yell. Alec loosens his grip from a smirking Brittney. "I-I can explain!" He exclaims. "You don't need to. I already know what's going on here." I run down the stairs, tears in my eyes, and rest my back against one of the front walls. I curl myself into a ball, and try to not to think about what he's done.

"Funneh, she made me do it! She was going to do something to you if I didn't!" I look up to see him. Alec. Walking down the long stairs to me. "No... she didn't." "Funneh, listen to me. She made me kiss her! I would have never done something so cruel to you. Please, let's just move on!" He trys to persuade me to believe him, but half of my heart is telling me to not.

"You don't know what I'm going through!"

"I do. I've been working with Felicia..." I look up and stare into his dark eyes, even more shocked from what he just said. "W-Why? Why are you doing this to me?" I ask him. "Because I'm trying to keep you safe. You would have been locked up inside that room with your family if I didn't work for her!" He points to the room in between the stairs, with the big, silver, lock. "Maybe I would want to be with them!" I yell to Alec.

He goes quiet, not saying a word. His hood hangs over his face as he stares deeply into the ground.

"Let's get inside there." "What?!?" "Let's get inside there. You heard me. Let's save your family!" He says. "You'll help me do that?" My heart skips a beat. "Yes! The big lock is inside of that room Brittney and I were in. But you have to go through a short maze to find it." "Oh god..." I say as I stand up.

He leads me back into that room, where, luckily, Brittney isn't in anymore. He grabs onto a book and tilts it the slightest bit. The book shelf parts into two, causing books to also split in uneven manners. It reveals a dark, long, passageway. "Well? What are you waiting for?! On with your journey!" He pushes me inside, the bookshelf closing and locking behind me. "ALEC!!!" I scream, worried that I might not be able to get out if I find the key. I turn around, towards the darkness, and run.

I run for what feels like hours, twisting and turning, not stopping for a break. I hit many dead ends, banging into some surprising ones, see many spider webs, but eventually I see a light. I sprint towards the light. As I get closer, it takes form, turning into a GIANT key. I slow down as I get closer, and then when I'm close enough, wrap my fingers around it. I pull it up, it's light almost blinding me. My hand drops under it's weight, struggling to keep it in place. I look up, seeing a door.

I rush to it, my body falling down a few times with the key. I push it open. I guess getting out was easier than I thought! Or not.

Why we're there so many spiders? You may be asking me that question. The answer is right in front of me. A  humongous spider is through that door. It's twice the size of a small house. It's back is turned to me, but I can hear my heart beating, loudly. I know I have to go in to get through this maze.

I quietly walk inside the room. The spider turns it's head around, but not all the way towards me. I stop walking, and try not to make any sound. Once it goes back to staring at the other wall, I keep going.

I am about halfway across the room when the spider sees me. It turns it's whole body towards me and charges. Then I notice something strange about the spider. It doesn't look real. As it gets closer, I dash across the room, and see a device, projecting the spider! It's not a real spider! I mean, how could a spider be that big? I have to admit I was scared for a second. I don't pay any attention to the spider coming after me, and run into the next room, which leads to the main entryway.

Alec is standing by the big door. "You got the key!" He exclaims as he sees the bright, silver, key in my hand. "Yup! And now it's time to unlock the door." I push the key into the key hole, and turn it. The big door opens! Alec and I push the heavy door open to see my family! But, before I can get to them, Felicia stands in my way.

"You have to fight me before you can get to them." "Fight?" I am extremely confused about why she is saying to fight. "You heard me. A battle. For your family." She says, grinning. "If its a battle you want, a battle you'll get!" I exclaim, as Brittney hands us two silver swords. I charge at her, the silver swords clashing together. But, something unexpected happens.


Felicia's sword snaps in half, bits of it flying to the ground. "YOU SWITCHED THE SWORDS!" Felicia screams at Brittney. "Oops..." Brittney dashes out of the building with Felicia chasing after her,  swinging half of the broken sword in her hand. I turn to my siblings and parents. "Funneh!" They all run to me, wrapping their arms around me, and holding me tight.

I guess anyone can have a happy ending.

Thank You For Reading This Book! You Can Check Out My Other Krew Books If You Would Like! Here Are The Previews/Descriptions Of Them!

The Krew Get Stranded On An Island, Not Knowing Who They Are Or Where They Are. Will They Find Each Other And Find A Way Off The Island?


"We're going to be alright." My mom said. I hugged my siblings and parents tighter as every wave crashed into the boat. Soon a huge wave crashed into the boat, and it went tumbling over. I felt a sharp pain as I hit the dark water. Then I blacked out.

The Mysterious Man
Funneh And Her Siblings Go To Yandere High School. Will They Find Love? What Will Happen If They Do? Enjoy!


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