Chapter 5 - Finale (Part 1)

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Funneh's POV

I wake up to see the person who knocked me out, Alec.

"Alec? Why did you knock me out?" I ask him. "I'm sorry, Funneh. I thought you were someone else. I want to help you with this mission." He says. "Alec, you can't help me! I don't want you getting hurt." I say to him. "That's exactly why I want to help you. I don't want YOU getting hurt." He argues. "I won't let you go until you let me come with you." Alec says. "Fine."

We continue on, eventually coming out of the cave. "Why hello there, Funneh." I see a familiar face, one I've seen many times before. Felicia. "What do you want, Felicia?" I ask her. "You can't seem to find out what I've done, huh?" She says. "What have you done?" I ask, getting more aggravated by the second. "I am who did all this. I planned to take your Krew away. I took your parents from you. And now I'm going to make Alec all mine!" She exclaims. "You're wrong. My siblings and parents are alive. I saw them, in a dream. They may be trapped, but they are NOT dead." I say to her. "You may have found out the truth, but your never going to get Alec!" She grabs Alec and pulls him away.

I chase after them, but they are too fast. I stop running, panting every second. I push myself to run after them more. My chest is aching, my feet are hurting, and I can no longer run anymore. I can't force myself to keep going. Then I look up. A huge abandoned manor is in front of me.

For the past five minutes, I have been debating whether to go inside, or not.

But of course curiosity gets the best of me, and I swing open the doors to see two, long, black staircases trimmed with red ribbon in the center. There is a huge door in between both staircases with a big, silver lock, forbidding anyone to come in. Pictures in black and white of unamused men and women are stuck to the lifeless black walls. The wooden floors look almost a hundred years old, and creak loudly as I step on them, heading towards the right staircase. I touch the dusty railing of the staircase as I climb up it, the grey particles clinging to my fingertips.

Once I reach the top, I decide to enter the left door with a big sign on it saying, "Riddle Room For Daring People." I fling open the door, surprising me when I look around.

Inside the room, I see many bookshelves with hundreds of books on each bookshelf, and thousands of books in the entire room! An old chair with only three legs is bending over by a window with two curtains, blocking people from seeing out of the room, and inside the room.

I rush over to the nearest shelf by the door, and grab a book with the title of "Mysteries For Young And Old." While flipping through the book, I notice a few pictures of the same manor that I'm in right now! Creepy... The entrance with the stairs is in one, and even the room with the bookshelves, like I'm in this moment.

I can hear my heart pounding loudly, but I can't recall why. Then I stop flipping through the book on the page 578. The first paragraph says-

If you want to find the person your looking for, you must solve my riddles.

What blows your hair but you cannot see it? What tosses kites around in the sky without a human to push it? What makes a ship sail with force so powerful you can't imagine at all? What cries out during a thunder storm, whipping the trees, and stealing peoples' umbrellas for itself?

Write your awful answer under this sentence using the pencil on that table in the dark corner.

I turn towards where the table should be, and it's there! But it's flipped over on it's side with a cup of pencils and pens poured onto the hard wooden planks.

I reach past the table a grab a pencil. A huge spiderweb is hanging on the dark corner above the cup of writing materials. I write my answer down, confident that I am correct with, 'Wind.'

A loud creak sends the curtains by the windows blowing, as a girl hops through the open rectangle. "Your key, Funneh. Even though you don't deserve it." Felicia hands me a key, perhaps to another room? I can only guess where it leads to. She turns away and climbs onto the edge of the window. "By the way, I hope you have bad luck!" She jumps over the edge, and the curtains fall back into their place.

I rush downstairs to the locked door in between both staircases. I try to fit the key into the lock, but the key's too small to fit into the enormous lock. My instincts are telling me to go to the upstair's right room. I do so, and the key fits perfectly into the lock! I grasp the knob and twist it open, ready for a new surprise.

But what I see is definitely not what I expected...

Part 2 Of The Final Chapter Will Come Out Soon! (Hopefully xD)

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