Chapter 3 - I Won't Beleive It

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Lunar's POV

We we're still talking when we heard a banging sound coming from the door. I rushed to the door and peered through the window next to it.

"Guys, I don't know this person." I say as the person stares into my eyes. My siblings come over, beside me. "I don't know this person, either." Rainbow says. "Me either." Draco says. "Gold?" I say to her. "He's trying to break in!" She yells as the person bangs the door, harder than the first time.

"We better hide." Rainbow says, going down the hall towards the basement. Draco, Gold, and I follow her. I hear the person break down the door and come into the house. We run down the stairs and I lock the door to the basement, behind me. We sit in the dark, waiting for something to happen.

"We need to call the police." I say, grabbing my phone out of my bag. I dial, and then put the phone up to my ear. "Hello?" I say into the phone. "Hello. What's your emergency?" The person at the other end of the line says. "Some guy broke into my family and I's house." "Address?" "12345 ItsFunneh Lane." I say. "Police is on their way." "Thanks!" I hang up the phone, and then I hear banging on the basement's door.

My hands fly into Draco and Gold's hands. I can feel my heart thumping in my chest, beating faster than ever before. The door falls down and the intruder comes down the stairs. The man stands in front of us. "I'm taking you four." He says. What kidnapper says what he's going to do before he kidnaps you?!?

I feel both Draco and Gold pull me in opposite directions. My hand slips out of Gold's and I feel Draco leading me towards the left side of the room. "Lunar, we're going to try knocking this guy out." My brother says. "Okay." We go over to a cabinet and grab frying pans out of it. We stuffed all of the frying pans that Gold cooked in, into the cabinet because she didn't just burn her food that she made. She burnt the pan, too! We see Rainbow and Gold coming over to us and Draco and I hand them frying pans. "I was wondering where you guys put those frying pans I burnt." Gold glares at me. I giggle and then turn towards the intruder. He is staring right at us, but not moving. "You know, I would never come here without backup." He says, pointing towards the stairs. Around ten other masked people come down them.

Funneh's POV

A light. Maybe I can escape this darkness. My feet start to lead me towards the light. As I draw closer to it, I can see that the light is coming from a doorway. I run to the doorway, and then stop.

Do I really want to go in it? The answer is a yes. I walked through the doorway, the light almost blinding me as I cover my eyes with my arms. Even when I close my eyes, I can still see the light through them.

Then I see a dining table. There were seven people sitting at it. Two adults, five children. I realize that they look like myself, my sisters, and my brother. The adults are our parents. Plates full of mashed potatoes, steak, and vegetables are placed in front of everyone. Fruit is spread out all over the table. The fire is crackling in the fire place behind my father.

Everything seems normal except for one, strange, fact. No one is moving. No one is talking, either. No one is eating. I go over to Funneh and gently place my hand under her nose. I feel nothing. No one is even breathing.

I then see a beast, a monster come down in the center of everyone. It fires at both my parents, their faces turning white, sending particles of them into the air. The beast disappears into thin air, and the Krew doesn't move one bit at all. I was horrified of what just happened, though I could tell this was not real.

"Funneh, believe that it's real." I hear a voice, a soft spoken one, talking to me. I look around but no one is there. The voice doesn't sound like anyone I know. "Funneh, believe it." I hear the voice again. "You must believe that your parents are gone." The voice says. I won't believe it. "You must trust me. I know that you don't want to think that this is real, but it is. They have already gotten your parents. It's too late. Don't move or you'll put others in danger." The voice says.

Then I see it. The beast comes back again. But this time it aims for my siblings. The four of them vanish, as does the creature, leaving this other Funneh, and I, alone. "I WON'T BELIEVE THIS!" I shout. "It's too late. Don't move when you wake up in three days. If you do, you will die."

Everything turns grayish, and then I see my siblings in our basement. They are huddled up against a wall, as some man comes down the stairs. He is wearing a black mask, that only shows his eyes, nose, and mouth. His body is covered in a black cape. As he comes closer, my siblings part, Draco and Lunar going towards the left, while Gold and Rainbow towards the right. A few minutes later, more people come down the stairs. They are wearing the same outfit that he is wearing. They grab my siblings, and they try to fight back with frying pans, but the pans end up getting knocked out of their hands. The masked people drag them up the stairs, and out of the basement.

My body can't move. I was terrified, I could tell that this was real. But as hard as I tried, I couldn't move one single bit. I turned my head a little to the right and saw that the beast was grabbing my arms and legs, making it unable for me to move. I didn't realize this at first. The voice earlier said wake up, meaning this is a dream. I have to wake up! I try waking myself up, but it won't work. I scream inside my head, trying to get myself out of this mess. I can't wake up.

A New Character Will Be Revealed In The Next Chapter. Have A Great Day Or Night!

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