Chapter 4 - The Cave

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Funneh's POV

"WAKE UP FUNNEH! FUNNEH!!!" I could hear someone trying to wake me up. "WAKE UP!" The scream made me jolt up quickly and see a aqua/teal haired guy standing beside my... bed? This didn't look like my room. "E-Evan?"

"Doctor! She's awake!" He called and tons of doctors rushed in the room. "W-What happened?" I ask him. "Evelyn brought you here. She said the power went out and you were acting strange. Then you fainted." He explains as nurses rush around me handing me water and unhooking cords from me.

Then a man in a white outfit comes in the room. "Miss Funneh, you will need to stay here for 6 days." He says. Then I remember it. The voice warned me not to go anywhere. But I saw my siblings get taken away by those guys in black. And she said my parents are already gone or something? I can't remember every single detail, but I know I have to look for them. I get out of the bed and walk past everyone around me. "Miss Funneh! You can't go anywhere." I ignore him and leave the room.

"Funneh! Your awake!" Evelyn rushes over to me. I walk by her and head outside the hospital. "They are letting you out this quick? Aren't you supposed to stay here for a few days?" Evelyn asks me questions as I head for her car in the parking lot. I open up the door to the drivers seat, get in, and start the car. She didn't even lock it! It's that easy. I drive away from the hospital. "FUNNEH!" Evelyn calls for me but I keep on driving.

I head for the abandoned woods and think about every dream I've had. Everything is starting to add up. Every dream that I have connects to future events.

The first dream, was about Alec and Felicia, yet when we went to the carnival, I saw them there.

The second dream was a horrible nightmare, and it related to me leaving my siblings when I went to Evelyn's house.

The third one was... real. And confusing.

I'm in the forest now. I know where that dining table is from the third dream. Our winter cabin. And yes, it's in the woods, so I'm heading there now. Maybe there will be clues for where my siblings are. "It's too late. Don't move when you wake up in three days. If you do, you will die." I won't believe that! That's totally crazy. A few hours later I get to the hut. I get out of the car and go inside to see the exact same dining room that was in my dream. But there's something different about it. I see a note placed on the table.

I pick it up and it says 'If you want to find your parents, you will have to go to a cave. This cave will have many obstacles in it. You will fall asleep, but don't be panicked. Don't try to wake up until the dream is over because the dreams will contain information about events in the future. Don't listen to the voice in the dreams either. She WILL mislead you. Remember, don't let ANYONE else help you with this mission. I mean Alec. My identity will be revealed to you soon... Good luck.'

I can't believe this is happening. I thought my life was going well when we went to that carnival. Now I have to go on some mission? And the voice in my dreams... Is she telling the truth? Who do I believe?

I guess I'll head for the cave. I get into Evelyn's car and drive off towards one of the caves in the forests. My siblings and I used to go down into the cave and explore it. Our parents weren't too happy about it though.

Once I get to the cave, I head in it on foot. Deeper into the cave, I am honestly regretting coming down here. The scariest thing about this cave is the fact that there is NO sound. It's as if the cave is completely dead, no plants on top of it or anything. But I keep going into the cave. I keep telling myself that this is for my family.

Then I hear it. Running water. I don't know if I should be happy or not. This is the first time I have EVER heard anything in this cave besides our voices and footsteps. Soon, the water gets louder. And louder. Then, I reach a cliff. I look down to see a huge river with speeding water going down stream. The cliff is starting to feel VERY unsteady, about to break.

And then it does. I fall down towards the water, and then feel the stinging pain on my back when I fall into the thrashing waves. I swim over to the shore, constantly moving with the fast water, and grab onto a side rock. My hands are wet, and then they slip off of the rock, and I go rushing down with the water. I can feel myself go unconscious.

Then I am in a room. My siblings are in it, too. But they don't seem to notice me. It's covered in black paint, yet there's one small light in the center of the ceiling. Lunar goes over to a door, an exit to the room, and tries to turn the knob. She fails at it; it must be locked. I then see two shapes coming towards them. Our parents. Rainbow sees them and rushes over to them, greeting them in a hug. The other three join her.

Then I know I'm waking up.

I am not in the strong waters anymore, and seem to be on land. To my side, the river is still rushing past. I must have somehow drifted to the side. Then, I see an opening in the cave, leading deeper into it. I walk down it, hoping for the best. I see a person when I go into it, and then everything goes black AGAIN. (This Happens Many Times In The Story Lol) In this next dream, I see myself, and... FELICIA? She is saying something to me that I can't hear, and my other self looks pretty mad.

The Last Chapter Will Be Published Soon! I Know This Is A Very Short Book, But I Really Am Quite Stuck And Also Want To Focus More On My Other Books.

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