Chapter 2

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It was my first day of class. I felt nervous, I mean who wouldn't be?

"Alright class today we have a new Extar with us today. Ok Ava Why don't you introduce yourself and tell us what kind of weapon you are."

"Um, my name is Ava Parks and I'm not sure what type of weapon I am all I really know is that I'm a type of sword."

Unknown student 1- "Have you been paired yet? If so by who?"

"I believe her name was Yukari?" Gasps echoed throughout the classroom making me feel even more nervous as the same girl spoke up.

Unknown Student 1- "So you where paired up with an Elite?"

"I'm sorry?"

"An Elite. It's basically a group of people who are far more stronger and superior then others. Up until now Yukari has never wanted an Extar, so tell me. Why did she choose you?"

"I'm sorry but I don't know myself. I just arrived yesterday and can barley grasp everything that's going on."

"I understand."

Unknown student 2- "So how long?"

"I'm sorry?"

Unknown Student 2- "How long did it take for them to catch you? So far the longest anyone has ever gone are five days before being taken."

"It took them two years. Yesterday was actually my birthday which is when they captured me."

Unknown student 1- "Well that sucks. Happy birthday to you Huh? So what made you get caught?"

Sadness over came me as I hung my head low.

"My mother, she turned me in... it's ok though I forgive her."

Unknown student 3- "What why?! I mean if I where you I would be pretty pissed about it."

"Even though it was my mother who warned me about the people who wanted me and told me to run and hide she had to turn me in. Mostly because they kidnapped my little sister and used her as bait to lure me out."


"Ok, well I think that's enough questions for now. Ava, why don't you go sit over there by Kazumi."

Looking over to where the teacher was pointing to I noticed that it was the girl who told me happy birthday making me feel more relaxed about my seating since she seemed nice.

I couldn't understand anything at all during class

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I couldn't understand anything at all during class. It all seemed to confusing. But I suppose it is in the middle of the semester so it can't be helped. Classes went by faster then I expected which led me up to Combat training with Yukari. I felt nervous. Mostly because Yukari warned me that the holograph bored that shuffles threw everybody's picture would automatically choose me since I was new. She told me that they always want to test the new Liberator or Extars abilities wether there new or not.

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