Chapter 3

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It's been a full week since I have been here. And I've noticed something about Yukari. Yukari was beginning to act like my parents and quite frankly it's making me irritated.

"What do you mean I can't go out?! I told Kazumi that I would hang out with her today! You never let me leave!"

"It's for your own good Ava. I know you may not like it but just trust me ok?"

"Your trying to hide me from something aren't you? Or maybe your even trying to keep me away from someone?" She glared at me from her desk making me shrink.

Jeez she can be intimidating.

"Look I won't be out long. Kazumi is just going to show me a much more easier way to turn without me having to be so exhausted is all."

"No means no and that's final!"

I pout as I lay flat on my bed practically screaming through my pillow as I glared at the back of Yukari's head.

"Glaring will give you wrinkles."

I just stick my tongue out while I flipped over to face the wall angrily which is when I suddenly heard a knock on the door making me sit up quickly only to see Yukari open it revealing a nervous looking Kazumi making me beam.

Kazumi and I have gotten really close lately, She was like the best friend I never had.

"I'm sorry Kazumi but Ava is not allowed to leave her room."

Kazumi- "Why?"

"Does it matter?"

Haruka- "It does if you don't have a legitimate reason for keeping her here."

"I have my reasons."

Haruka frowned deeply as her sunset colored eyes connected with mine while I gave her a help me look.

Haruka- "Look I know why your keeping her locked away and you have to face reality Yukari. Just because she can turn without being touched doesn't mean you can keep her away from the people who are the opposite. And besides I think I'm beginning to understand why Ava is so tired. You see when a Liberator kisses an Extar it gives them mana which powers up there..."

"I don't care! If I can keep her from wanting to experience any sexual form then by god I will!"

Kazumi- "It's not healthy. If you keep her from obtaining proper mana there's a chance that you will kill her because of it."

"She survived two years without needing it. So why should I worry about that now?!"

"What's with all the yelling?"

Nervousness came over me as I saw the commander for the first time since I first saw her.

"It's nothing. These two where just leaving."

Haruka- "Yukari."

"Why don't we take whatever your discussing in my office."

Although I couldn't see Yukari's face I knew she was angry.

"Fine. Ava, I better not find you gone when I come back."

I couldn't help but stick my tongue out at her again as she closed the door.

Seriously. Just what was her problem?


"Ok. Now tell me what all this arguing is about?"

Haruka- "Well Commander... you know how Ava has been feeling tired lately every time she transforms? I believe it's because she's not receiving any mana."

"That is an interesting concept. But Ava isn't your partner so you shouldn't need to worry about her."


Haruka- "Commander, we where taught that if an Extar didn't receive any mana then they would die."

"That is true. But Ava is different, so I'm not to worried about it. She hasn't showed any signs that she needs mana."

Haruka- "Is her Exhaustion not a sign?"

"Everybody feels tired after a fight."

Haruka- "Look just because Yukari is afraid of sexual contact doesn't mean she should be putting her Extar at risk like she is. I'm only trying to settle things here because Kazumi is worried about her. And I hate seeing my Extar worried."

"I'm not afraid of it! I just... don't want anything to do with sexual stuff."

Haruka- "What's the difference?"

I glare hard at Haruka as the commander pinched the bridge of her nose. She was right though, I really didn't want to do anything sexual. But it wasn't like I was afraid of it, I'm merely just waiting till marriage.


I heard myself mumble making me shake my head as to try and clear it.

"I overheard your conversation earlier and although Ava is your Extar you really can't just keep her cooped up in her room like you have been, it's unhealthy. If you really want to keep her away from the people who can't keep there hands off each other then I suggest you go with her."


"My word is final. And Haruka, please worry about your own Extar from now on ok?"

Haruka nodded making hmph as I leave the commanders office to go back to my dorm half expecting Ava to still be there.

But much to my surprise, she was gone.

"God damn it Ava!"

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