Chapter 5

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I woke up on something soft making me slowly open my eyes only to see Kurumi smiling back at me.

"W-What happened?"

"You don't remember?"

Sitting up slowly I begin to take in my surroundings only to find myself at the beach... oh, now I remember. Yukari hit me so I ran away.

"Hey, hey. Don't cry it's alright."

I didn't even realize I was crying until Kazumi wiped a few tears away making my bottom lip tremble.

"I'm sure Yukari didn't mean to hit you. She was just angry."

"I don't want to go back." I say quietly making Kazumi frown.

"Then where will you go? Escaping this island is impossible."

"I-I don't know."


My eyes widened as Kazumi gently grasped my chin while pressing her soft lips up against my own once again completely startling me. I didn't know what was happening. One minute I was my plain self the next I was several different weapons that is until I turned back into my human self with my mouth hanging open like an idiot.

"I knew it."

"Knew what?"

"You hold great power Ava. And it's quite possible depending on how charged up you are with mana I feel that we can somehow escape this island."

"Really?!" If I could leave here and go home that would change everything!

"Yes. Now you don't have to answer me right away but... would you be my partner?"

My eyes widened as I felt my cheeks grow red.

"I can provide you with as much Mana as you like however..."

My eyes widened as she pinned me onto the warm sand while her hand snuck right in between my legs pressing against my sacred area making me gasp.

"In order to obtain the power we need so we can escape, I'll have to do things you might not be comfortable with. Is that ok?"

I couldn't help but moan as she rubbed her hand up against my crotch once again making her smirk. I could feel my body temperature rise while my breathing became irregular.

"Feel free to stop me at any time."

My eyes widened even more as I felt her hand slowly start to remove my underwear making me curl my toes only to have her stop.

"Tsk... always a nuisance."


"Ava! Ava!"

My mood suddenly dampened as Yukari came into view with the commander following in tow.

"Don't forget about what I asked you."

Forget? How could I forget if even the slightest bit about escaping this place?

"Ah Commander, I was just about to call you. I actually caught her running down the beach before I successfully pinned her."

"Excellent work Kazumi."

I reluctantly stood up only to be knocked back down by Yukari startling me even more as she wrapped her arms tightly around me making me frown.

"I'm sorry! So so sorry! I shouldn't have did what I did I was just... trying to protect you."

I didn't know what to say. Still, I can't forgive her that easy for smacking me.

"A-Where still partners aren't we?"

I couldn't help but look towards Kazumi as she cooly laid back against a tree as of nothing ever happened.

"You don't need to worry yourself over that Yukari. Changing partners is strictly against the rules."

"Like I had a choice." I mumble to myself only to have the commander give me a death stare in return making me shrink.

"With that being said Ava, for punishment you will spend a week chained and locked away in our cell with only water to drink. No food will be provided."


"Nothing you say will change my mind Yukari. It's her own fault for running away like she did."

"But she only ran away because I hit her."

"And you hit her because she kissed another Liberator right? With that being confirmed she will receive lashes as well."


"I get that your trying to protect her but it's her own fault."

"Then why don't you punish Kazumi for kissing her in the first place?!"

"I only kissed her out of sheer curiosity. You where not charging her with any mana I just wanted to see what she was like if provided with some which I discovered that she is able to turn into weapon other then a sword just by a simple kiss. However commander I do think the lashes are a bit much."

"Sigh... you are my second in command Kazumi so I'm just providing you with a warning for now. I get your curiosity, I'm far more curious about her myself but If you do it again, you will receive the same punishment. Am I understood?"

Kazumi gave me an I'm sorry look before nodding her head in confirmation.

"Come Ava."

Biting my bottom lip I reluctantly follow the commander back to the castle with my head hung low. Great this is just great! If I can't become partners with Kazumi then how will we ever escape this place?

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