Chapter three

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Gregory's POV|

Today is going to be a good day. Thomas told me over the phone that he was going to come visit me today after school which means Eddie and Thomas can finally meet. We are going to have so much fun and I can hardly wait.

Mom gave me twenty-five cents so I could go to the store and get me a bag of lays potato chips and a coke when I get off the bus. Even though she didn't have money for herself, she always made sure I had some. I wish she had all the money in the world, she deserves it.

"After you go to the store after school make sure you come straight home. Thomas's grandma will be here with Thomas waiting for you." Mom shouts as I head onto the bus. I nod and wave at her like I usually do.

When I made it to school, I went and sat on the bench and waited for Eddie to get there. His bus usually comes five minutes after mine. When he got off the bus, he sat down next to me.

You still coming over today?" I ask as he adjusts the straps of his backpack.

"As far as I know. I asked my ma last night and she said she didn't care." He replies, sucking on a cherry lolly pop.

"You finally get to meet Thomas. I know you are going to like him." I utter with excitement.

"I'm about to smoke, go ahead inside. I'll meet you there." Eddie says reaching into his pocket for his cigarettes.

I did as he said and made my way into the cafeteria to grab an apple and a bottle of milk. I sit down at the usual table I sit at and crunch down on the apple.

"Hey mama's boy." Fin says making his way to my table. My stomach turned at the sight of him.

"Got any money for me?" He asks scooting close to me and messes up my hair that took me forever to get laid down.

"No, not today sorry." I reply and moved away from him a tad.

"You said you would have it today." He says in an angry tone of voice. I could feel his hot breath hitting  the side of my face.

Eddie makes his way inside and heads over to the table and I sigh in relief.

"This isn't over. You better have my money or you will be sorry." Fin says coldly. I take another bite of my apple and held eye contact with him until he looked away.

"What did he want?" Eddie asks as he sits down across from me.

"Nothing." I reply without looking him in the eye.

Eddie knew I was lying. He can always tell when I am hiding something.

"If he is bothering you, you can tell me." He says sipping on his milk.

"I know, it's really not a big deal."

Eddie nods his head and looks over at Fin who was throwing food across the table at Travis and Seth. Fin made eye contact with Eddie and flicked him off.

"Try your best to stay clear of them, got it?"

"Got it." I assure him.


It was finally the end of the school day. I get on the bus and wait on my stop to come up. I could not wait to get off of this smelly hot bus and get me a cold cola.

When my bus stop finally came up, I got off the bus and headed to the store that wasn't too far from my house. I go inside and pay the man at the register and grab my bag of chips and bottle of coke off the counter.

When I made my way outside, three familiar faces made my heart drop. I go to run away, but Fin grabs me by the loop of my backpack and throws me into the ground.

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