Chapter nineteen

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Carol wafted the smell of the fresh baked bread that she made and smiled at the sweetness that lingered. She wiped the crumbs off of the counter top with a damp rag and made sure her mess was all cleaned up.

The sound of footsteps echoed throughout the house. In the corner of her eye, Carol saw someone pass by the kitchen as if they were heading toward the door. With a knit in her brow, she makes her way to where the footsteps were sounded.

"Mrs. Micheals, everything okay?" Carol asks with the rag in her hand. Sharon was standing at the door way with a suit case in hand, dressed in a white pants suit and sunglasses to cover her eyes.

"I've decided that I need a vacation. I know it is sudden, but I can't stay locked up in the house. When Richard was here it was different, but now I am lonely and this house reminds me of him too much. I miss my husband terribly." She says.

"I understand, but I told Mr. Micheals that I'd watch over you for him." Carol replies, laying the rag on the marble counter top.

"You are young, you have better things to do than to waste your young life watching over an old hag like me. I promise you dear, I will be fine."

"Yes ma'am." Carol nods with a smile.

Sharon embraces Carol tightly and heads for the door.

"While I am gone, make yourself a home. I'll see you soon."

"Thank you, have a safe trip Mrs. Micheals." Carol replies as she watches Sharon's figure disappear through the blurs of the glass. She had no idea where she was going, but to her, it was none of her business.

Sharon throws her suitcase in trunk of her Mercedes and prepares herself for the vacation she was about to take. Deep down, she knew it was what she needed to fill the emptiness inside of her.



A line of people trailed out of the Halloween store. Everyone was stocking up on candy and other goodies for Halloween night which was only a day away.

"Mom, are we going to participate in the house decorating contest this year?" A little girl says standing in front of Richard. He smiles at her innocent voice as she spoke.

"Not this year honey. We are leaving town tomorrow to go see grandma and grandpa remember?" The girls mother replies as she holds her daughters hand.

The girl couldn't have been older than six years old. Richard imagines what it would have been like to have a daughter. He has always dreamed of having a little girl of his own, but Sharon didn't want anymore children after she lost Gregory. It was a wound that time was never going to heal.

"But don't you want to win money and free candy?"

"Money isn't everything sweetie and I promise you will have all the candy in the world tomorrow night, okay?" The lady says with a smile.

"Okay." The girl looks up at her mom with a snaggletoothed smile and didn't ask anymore questions. The girls innocence reminded Richard of Gregory and how he was as a child when he was six years old. He prayed that the little girl kept her innocence and hoped she wouldn't let anyone or anything corrupt her. The world is becoming darker each day and it's easy to get lost within the darkness.

"Sir, what can I get for you?"

Snapping out of his daze, Richard motions toward the lady at the register.

"I just need a big bag of candy and maybe a couple of small Halloween decorations. Nothing too major."

"I'm sorry sir, we are all out of decorations, but I can get you a bag of candy that has a little bit of everything inside."

"That'll be great, thank you miss."

In a large plastic shopping bag, Richard carries the candy that he bought for the trick or treaters as he walks down the sidewalk and stands in front of an old house. He gets out the key and unlocks the front door. It slowly creeks open, shedding light through the door briefly. Dust was floating in the air along with cobwebs hanging in the corners.

"It sure hasn't changed much." Richard says placing his things on the counter tops. Since they moved to Trenton, no one rented or even bought their house and if they did, they didn't stay in it for long. When he got back, it was still available so that was when he decided to take it off the market and keep it for himself. Richard knew Sharon wasn't going to like this idea if she ever found out, but it's not like she was ever going to come back to Cedarmills anyways.

Richard roams through the house he once walked before as a young man. It was like yesterday when they purchased this house. Now, it's old and outdated like expired milk.

He stands in the doorway of the master bedroom where his and Sharon's bedroom used to be. He smiles at the memories that flooded his mind.

Nude and on her stomach, Sharon lays on the bed with a book in hand and a glass of wine in the other.

The sound of footsteps trail towards the door. Sharon smiles as she sips on her wine excited to see her husband.

"Sharon?" Richard says before opening the bedroom door. He turns the knob, finding Sharon in the same position. A smile curls onto his lips at the sight of his wife.

"What?" She smiles innocently.

Richard drops his luggage down immediately and tackles her playfully, peppering kisses along her face and lips.

"I missed you so much."

Richard wipes his eye as a tear sheds out of it. He remembered how happy they were that night. That was when things were much simpler. He wishes he could go back in time every day for many reasons and that was one of them. Before they had the money, they had each other and he felt like that was all he needed.

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