Chapter thirteen

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A long line of cars stand still on the highway, moving an inch at a time as the police clear people to go through the road block. Every month, there is a random road block that the police station does to make sure everyone is safe and following the law.

Carl presses the gas slightly and then the breaks, making his car come to a stop.

"I have to be at work in twenty minutes for a funeral, what the hell is going on?" Carl says to himself in frustration at how backed up the traffic is. He looks in his rear view mirror and sees more cars entering the line by the second.

"These stupid ass cops make me sick." Carl utters, rolling his eyes as he got closer to the front of the line. He mentally prepares himself to keep calm and to not make any sudden moves when speaking to the police, especially being inside of the car.

He rolls down his window and comes to a complete stop as the officer approaches his vehicle.

"License and registration please." He says firmly.

Carl takes his hands off of the steering wheel and fishes out his wallet that was in his back pocket.

"Sir, I need to see your hands at all times." The officer says.

"I'm getting out my wallet." Carl replies in a hostile tone. The officer grabs Carl's license from him and examines it. He hands it back to him with a cold look on his face.

"Registration please."

Carl rolls his eyes to the side and opens his glove box to get it. A small pistol that was not loaded sat inside of the glove box out in the open. Carl rummages through his glove box trying to find his registration and before he actually found it the police officer pulls his gun on him.

"Put your hands where I can see them!" The officer raises his tone.

Carl raises his hands immediately and stops in place. He looks over at the gun, knowing it was what caused the officer to feel threatened.

"It's not loaded. I only have it for my own safety." Carl explains.

"Sir, step out of the vehicle now."

"But I didn't do anything wrong. You asked me for my registration and I was finding it." Carl says in a defensive tone of voice.

"Do not resist, step out of the vehicle like you were told." The officer says still pointing his gun at Carl.

He slowly unbuckles his seat belt and gets out of the car with his hands in the air. Everyone in the line began to stare at the unnecessary scene the policeman has caused.

The officer pats him down from head to toe and emptied his pockets.

"Get down on your knees."

"Are you serious? I have to be at work, I can't be late. You're holding the line up." Carl says raising his tone a bit.

The policeman tackles Carl onto the ground with his hands behind his back and his face pressed into the gravel.

"I didn't do anything! Let me go!" Carl screams while fighting the police officer off of him.

"You are under arrest for assaulting a police officer." He places the cuffs around Carl's wrists and tightens them behind his back.

"Are you fucking kidding me? I didn't do anything to you!"

"You have the right remain silent. Anything you say can and will be held against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you. Do you understand the rights I just read to you?" The officer says in a firm tone of voice.

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