part 1 chapter 1

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Inferno was hiding and frightened out of his mind. After the past turn of events, he felt the churning in his gut and his talons shaking uncontrollably, he stared down at his claws, those claws, the claws that had done what no dragon should have done. He felt like he was a murderer, a destructive force like the legend of Darkstalker, the invincible animus, or so everyone thought. He was defeated by some students at jade mountain academy. according to the story, their names were Moonwatcher the Queen of the night wings, Qibli the King of the night wings, Turtle Prince of the sea wings, Peril the sky wing, Clay the mud wing, Kinkajou the rain wing, adviser of Queen Glory and king Deathbringer of the rain wings, Queen Tsunami the sister of Turtle, winter the king of the ice wings and...... he heard shuffling outside his small storage cupboard, he saw talons underneath the door, he heard hissing, the sound before fire. He ducked down just as a burning wad of flame busted through the strong wood and a large snout with a metal helm perched on top peered into the cupboard "there he is!" the large dragon roared no NO! this was not happening he would not let them take him away. He concentrated and he hoped with all his might. The hole in the door closed up.

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