chapter 12

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Inferno looked at them in surprise his father was prince Turtle? and his mother who was she? she was obviously a sky wing she had to be right? if she wasn't a sky wing what tribe would she come from, maybe rain wings? bronze looked at inferno "wait a sec, does this mean that you're a sea wing heir?" inferno shrugged "maybe, but does it matter anyway? I actually have to meet them" Barren grinned and said "I guess that's one place to start. They began their journey towards the kingdom of the sea hoping to see his father and to ask him who his mother was and where she was and if she was available and also if she was OK, perhaps he didn't know the answer to all those questions but Inferno didn't care. As the land beneath them rapidly became the blue churning sea, Inferno spotted a cluster of islands ahead and looked at Barren and inclined his head toward the archipelago Barren noticed immediately and singled for all of they to land. They settled for a small island just outside the cluster and sagged down to rest. Bronze offered to go hunting for fish and when she said that something flashed in Barrens eyes that made Inferno want to jump into the sky and fly away, "hey Inferno could you do something for me" she asked with complete and utter innocence like he had just walked into a trashed house with cute dragonet in the middle of it with giant eyes that said "oh it wasn't me it was the flying monkey bat that has haunted this place for decades" in the casual way that only dragonets could achieve and after all that Inferno managed to put on a smile and say "name it".    

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