chapter 4

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Inferno huffed his stamina was wearing out he couldn't stop. He needed to keep going he had to escape what he'd left behind him, the sea of blood he had been bathing in, his scales seemed to be coated with a thin layer of crimson and as he ran through the dark corridors he left bloody claw prints where he stepped. He knew that if he stayed in the sky palace they would put him in a cage and starve him but he had go somewhere maybe to the ancient cave under the claws of the clouds mountains where the dragonets of destiny grew up, or the jade mountain academy which after much debate had not shut down after the Darkstalkers incident and that did seem like the safest place soooo maybe he could sneak out of the palace and fly to the mountain when out of sight. he climbed up a row of stairs and then exited onto an empty pavilion he looked down off the side of the pavilion and looked down at the ground maybe 20-30 feet below at the base of a muddy riverbank, the bank of the diamond spray river.

wings of fire raging inferno (fan fiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt