chapter 10

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the diamond spray delta seemed deserted and quiet except for a popping noise that came from the bubbles that occasionally rise to the top of the mud. As he passed a face popped out of the mud and gave him a glance and then vanished back into the slimy depths. Barren took the lead like she knew where she was going and then she walked up to a mud hut that looked like it had been there since the war for sand wing succession, Barren knocked on the muddy wood and after some moaning a dragon emerged with tired eyes and a grumpy look on her face "what do you want!" she roared. Inferno shuddered the big dragon stared at Barren and Barren looked back into the red bloodshot eyes of the big dragon and said: "Bronze calm yourself you'll anger the entire delta!" Bronzes eyes calmed, she looked towards Inferno and crouched down so that they'd be eye to eye and she said "sorry for making a racket my names Bronze what's yours blah blah blah, Barren do I have to be here? I want to go back to sleep" Barren looked at Inferno with exasperation like "can believe this idiot" but with a hint of humour in her eyes and patiently replied "no we need you here, Bronze this is Inferno he is the animus that has been causing trouble over the last couple of years" Bronze looked at him with surprise and exclaimed "he's a sky wing? that is impossible! there hasn't been an animus sky wing in thousands of years no one knows if there even was any in the tribe?!" "well it was impossible until now with there being no laws on inter-relationships between tribes and there have been none for the past couple of decades it is possible that he is a mix of two tribes it cant be the sky wing side that is animus so it has to be an animus from a different tribe". 

wings of fire raging inferno (fan fiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon