chapter 15

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The cool salty water felt like bliss between and under his scales. All his life he felt dry and uncomfortable in his own body now he knew why. The underwater scenery was amazing fish darted in and out of every crevasse every hole every nook and cranny. The bigger predatory fish swam outside the safety of the coral, snapping up unwary prey. As he watched he saw a snapper chasing a tiny sprat, the sprat stood no chance. Infernos arm acted on its own it flashed out and grabbed the snapper in his talons. he dug his claws deep into its flesh and then continued to watch as the sprat and many others eat the corpse of its former adversary. Unlike the situation with his mother and father, that brought back painful memories. he remembered the dragon Red he had teased inferno about how unusually small his wings were and how he was slow enough to be compared to a sea wing, but of course, he had been right. He had hated Red enough to make him want to do horrible things to him but of course, he didn't. He shelved his anger, made it into a tool and a motivator until Red was sent off to get a job he had been 10 by the time Inferno had been 7, but for the time they knew each other they scared each other verbally as much as they could. Inferno dove deeper and so did his feeling re-submerging themselves as they did once before.         

wings of fire raging inferno (fan fiction)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя