Chapter 2-And then we kiss

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Chapter 2

Later that day

''Blair I really don't wanna go out tonight. Beside you know that I don't like clubs and all.“ – Blair wanted me to go out with her so bad but I wasn’t in the mood

‘’Mia please just one night. Maybe we’ll have some fun. Maybe this town is not that boring as you think it is. And who knows maybe we’ll meet some cute guys. I really need to meet someone.’’ – Blair was so persistent

‘’Ok, I will but if I get bored I’ll go home.” – I finally agreed

I’m not really the type of person who likes going out. I usually like to stay at home with my best friend Jack Daniels & get drunk. I know that I have a serious drinking problem but I can’t help it. It won’t go away. I started drinking at the age of 16. Ok, I lied. I started earlier. When? I don’t remember. It became even worse when I started my own company. Oh yes, at the age of 16. Oh my company. That sounds soo great.  It’s maybe the only real thing I have in my life. The thing I live for.  My success can be described as apocalyptic.

Joe’s POV

’Where is Mario?’’-James asked.  We all knew the answer to that. He picked up some girls & went away.

“I’m not that lucky.” – David said to us. He was kinda disappointed. It was pretty hard to make him to go out with out. He is not a big fan of clubs.

‘’Why? What happened?” – I asked carefully. Maybe carefully is not the word. I was a little bit drunk.

“She said that the only reason she would be with me was the fact that I’m rich & popular. I don’t understand it. I really like her a lot.” –David said. His English is getting better.

“Let it go. She’s not worth it, you will find someday a girl who deserves you.” – Did I just say what I think I did. Who am I to give advices on relationships? This is so not me.

“Joe man you ok?” – James asked me. “Since when do you talk like that?”

“It’s not me, it’s alcohol!” – I said and everybody started laughing.

We were partying all night, I remember leaving the club at 4 a.m.

Later that night

Wow Blair seemed to be having a lot of fun out there. She was on the dancefloor with that guy who seemed kinda familiar to me. At least, one of us was having fun.

 On the other side, I was sitting with that girl & getting drunk.  She was soo boring but that is nothing that Vodka can’t fix. I don’t even know her name. She was talking about her boyfriend & how he dumped her. Well, if I were him, I’d dumped her too. Who is still wearing pink t-shirt along with green shimmering skirt  & yellow 6 inch heels? She looked like a whore.

I was soo bored & drunk. And...oh no... please God don’t...

“What would ladies like to drink?”-Here he comes again. Stop hitting on me you idiot. At least change the phrase. That was the third time that evening he came to us &  asked the same thing.

“Thinking isn’t your strong point, is it? I am bored and drunk, but you’re boring. And so are you.”- I said that to both of them.

“Hey hey no hard feelings. I just want to buy you a drink. You’re hot and I’m...”

“ I am hot, damn it I’m the hottest girl you’ll ever meet. And you’re annoying & not even attractive.”

I was pretty pissed off cuz when I say something that’s the way it has to be & I don’t like when people are ignoring me. I told him 3 times that I was not interested. But ugh...I left the club without telling Blair. Well, I’ll text her. She’ll probably spend the entire night with that guy. Oh no I don’t know where I parked my car.

Joe’s POV

 It was 4 a.m. & I was at the parking lot when I  saw her. She seemed kinda familiar. And she looked  kinda lost. I was trying to find my car.  I approached to my car & couldn’t help  it but looked at her again. She was standing there looking at me. She looked so beautiful in that light. Of course I knew her. She run into me that morning. It looked like she was looking for something. I decided to talk to her. Yeah that’s it. Just to talk. I didn’t really know what was happening  to me? After everything I’ve been through with Kim, I never really thought of getting close to any girl. I was kinda lost too. And I didn’t know why I was thinking of Kim. Actually, I wasn’t.  And I don’t know why any of those thing were crossing my mind?

“Hey, you ok?” –I asked her & she was just starring at me.  She wasn’t saying anything for a while. I felt kinda weird.

“ I...I don’t know where I parked my car.”-She finally said something. It was too obvious that she was drunk.

“Well, can I help you? Are you ok?”- I didn’t know what else to say.

“Do you know where I parked my car?”-She can’t be serious, well she definitely can’t cuz she is drunk.

‘’No, I don’t. “ –There was this awkward silence again. “But, If you tell me where you live, I can get you there.”

She approached very close to me & said ‘’Ok.”  She was so close to me. I could feel her. In that special way, I didn’t know what that was but she is somehow...there was this kinda attraction I could feel it, I never felt that way...I just wanted to kiss her and I don’t even know her...I don’t need to know her....and I did it. I kissed her.  It was a soft kiss, I just put my lips on hers.

Mia’s POV

OMG, what was this?? Did he just kiss me? He was still standing there. I tried to say something, but I couldn’t. The words didn’t wanna come out of my mouth.

“Can you please drive me home?”- That was all that I could say

“Yeah sure.  Here’s my car.” –He said.

 I don’t believe I let him to kiss me. I don’t even know him. After this I don’t even want to know. But oh God, that was...that first kiss. Oh yeah, my first kiss. I’ve waited 19 years for that to happen. I never wanted to have a boyfriend. I did flirted a lot, but that was just for fun, I never wanted anything serious. I was just...making fun of the guys. I’m not that proud...but I never wanted to get hurt. I hurt people a lot cuz I’m afraid that they will hurt me. That is my biggest fear. The pain. Nobody knows that. Everybody knows me as a heartless bitch. That’s what I wanted. That’s what I got. That’s better. I don’t make people love me. That was never my intention. I make them fear me. I have to.

“Hey, will you tell me where to go? Hey, do you hear me?” –He asked me where to go.

“Sorry, turn left here. See, that house over there.” It wasn’t as mush as my house as it was  the biggest mansion in the UK. Yeah the only thing I love in this town.

“So, do you need anything?’’- he asked me and I was wondering why would he care

“No, thank you. I...I...well I guess that’s it. Sorry again.”- I didn’t know what to say & didn’t know why I was apologizing except for acting like a drunken slut instead of great Mia Evans.

“No problem, anytime.” Yeah right like this will ever happen again.

“I’m Joe Hart by the way.”- he said & I wish he didn’t. I didn’t want to know his name but now screw it all.

“I’m Mia.”

“Nice to meet you. I’m going now. “

“Yeah me too. Thank you. Bye.”

“Good night.”

OMG this day is finally over. I’m going to sleep now. And... no I really don’t want to think about that kiss anymore. It’s just a kiss. Nothing else. Nothing else. Just a kiss.

Cause I never knew love would hurt this f****** badDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora