Chapter 7-You're so perfect that I get nervous

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Chapter 7

Mia’s POV

I am overreacting. That’s what I always do. I want everything to be perfect. It can’t always be perfect. But it must, I don’t care how it will be. I will make it happen. Damn it I need my therapist. My anger management problems are back. I have been really angry lately. I don’t know why. Going to work at 7am this morning I drove out of my drive straight into a bus. The bus was 5 minutes early. Then I finished at hospital. You think it was because of the bus, well it’s wasn’t. In an attempt to kill a fly, I drove into a telephone pole. Yeah yeah and just an hour ago I crashed through the glass door. And no it was not a coincidence. I just wanted to see if I can survive. Well I survived but they took my driving license away and I have to find a shrink and I have to find a new lawyer. Richard won’t do anything to help me.

‘’Hey Mia.’’

‘’What do you want Richard?’’

‘’Do you know those guys you were talking to the other day?’’

‘’What? I talk to people all the time.’’

‘’Check out the papers?’’

I was reading something about football. Ugh I hate football. I lost 80000 dollars last week. I gamble all the time.

‘’OMFG, what the hell?’’ There was a pic of those idiots. I do not believe it. Blair’s one night stand and my biggest nightmare!!!! Joe Hart….David Silva…

‘’You know them?’’

England’s number one and Manchester City goalkeeper Joe Hart…..That’s the guy that kissed me. I wish it never happened. I still regret. That’s the day I quit drinking..

‘’Richard wh..wh..what is…no I don’t know them.’’

‘’ Let me help you..i don’t know the blonde guy but the other one is exactly…’’

‘’blah blah blah I know’’

‘’Why are you surprised?’’

Footballers…oh no…they are the biggest assholes outta there…and I was mad at Blair…it’s obviously this guy’s fault… or it is not? Whatever! Like I even care..but the other one England’s number one goalkeeper…OMG he looks soo old…

‘’I am not surprised, I hate football.’’

‘’Why? I like it a lot, my fav sport.’’

‘’That’s your favorite sport? Watching 22 monkeys…’’

‘’Hey hey hey we obviously cannot have a nice conversation. You’re right. You should stick to martial arts and shooting!’’


Joe’s POV

‘’Joe how come you don’t have a girlfriend yet?’’- Gareth asked me and I had no idea what to say

‘’I don’t know. I prefer being single.’’

That sounded stupid, I’ve been with Kim for 5 years, I don’t really know what being single means.

‘’I don’t recognize you….Hey guess who’s coming over..”

‘’Hi Joe! I haven’t seen you in ages. Oh hi Gareth.’’ That was Dianna, I met her last month, we just spent some time together

‘’Hi Dianna, I thought you were in Chicago.’’

‘’I will spend a few days in Manchester.’’

‘’Great. I’m glad to see you again.’’

‘’Call me if you want to catch up.’’

‘’I will.’’

She left, she looked amazing. But nothing compared to…

‘’Joe, you still here..’’

“Ye, Gareth sorry. Should we go now?’’

 We were going to training. On Sunday, we play against Liverpool. It’s very important to us.

‘’Yeah sure. Now tell me about that girl.’’

‘’About Dianna? You know everything.’’

‘’Not about Dianna. About the one you have on your mind.’’


‘’I know you Joe.’’

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