Chapter 4-Now it's getting dangerous

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Chapter 4

Joe’s POV

I never imagined that I would see her again. And right here. In my house. She looked really gorgeous and sober. And angry. She may be one of not that many girls that I ever found attractive after Kim. But she was so different. I didn’t even know her but that was so obvious. I saw her yesterday for the first time in my life and there was something special about her. We never even talked. Like a real talk.

I have heard the conversation between her and her friend. That was awkward. I don’t know what to think. Why would I think about it at all? Except, she is 19. I still can’t believe it.  She looks and acts like she’s much older. I would never say that she's 19. That is just weird.

We’re just standing in front of the house. She was surrounded by her security I guess. She was surprised. Not as surprised as much as shocked I would say. Should I say hi?

“Hi.” – She said to me.

“Hey. I…Last night…’’

“Thanks for bringing me home. You…you live here?’’

“Yes, David & me live together.”

‘’Oh you live with the wretch. Classy.” –That was uncalled for. I wonder if she is always like this

“Yeah, why are you talking like that?’’ – I asked her

“Because it’s true.’’

‘’Do you know him?’’

‘’No. I don’t know him & I don’t want to know him. I just want to get outta here. Can you call Blair? You know, the girl that I guess spent the night here.”

“Ok,  I’ll call her. It’s nice to see you again.”

“Good for you. I can’t say the same.”

Why am I surprised? I went to the house & tried to say Blair that…whatever…David & Blair were making out? Well I tried….

One hour later

“So David will you finally tell me who was that?”

“Like you don’t know.”

“No I don’t but I know that her friend wasn’t really happy about everything.’’

“Yeah, Blair warned me. They are best friends. But Mia, her friend, is not that nice. Blair told me & I quote that Mia is “selfish, superficial and cruel, she is mean to people for no reason at all & she is allergic to full spectrum of human’s emotions’’.


“Exactly. Apparently she hates everything especially this town. Why, I have no idea.”

“Wow. Then why she lives here?’’ I was so curious

“Cuz of the work. Her company is one of the biggest insurers in the world. She is Canadian. But why she exactly lives here, I don’t know.’’

“Oh but she is young, I heard she’s 19.’’

‘’Yeah, I was surprised too. But what do I know? She’s good at it.”

‘’Yeah, but what about Blair? Where did you pick her up?’’

‘’I met her after I had left the club & we hit it off. I don’t know how it all happened. But I’ll keep seeing her. I kinda like her.’’

‘’Good for you bro. I like to hear that.’’

‘’Yeah you know that I always sucked with that stuff. Forever alone. Hahaha.”

Mia’s POV

‘’Blair, I said leave me alone. I’m not in the mood.’’

‘’Oh come on. I just had one night stand. Not a big deal. I was drunk. Drunk people do stupid things & I guess I’m one of them.’’

‘’You’re kidding right?’’

‘’No. I mean I will never see him again.’’

‘’But you said..”

“ I know, I told him blah blah. I lied..”

‘’I guess that’s better. Now go. I want to be alone. I am not feeling good.’’

‘’Why? What’s wrong? I’ll stay with you. We always stay together when we don’t feel fine.’’

‘’Well this time is different. I want to be alone.’’

“You’re kidding, right?’’

‘’No, I’m not.’’

‘’You know, you’re so spoiled. You judge everything and everyone. You think you’re perfect. You don’t accept people, you don’t even like them. You hate them all, why? Because they’re not like you-rich, famous & smart. You are not capable of love. You have no feelings. You would die if something is not the way you want it to be. You don’t even know what you want.’’

‘’I know what I want, therefore that is the way it’s gonna be. I am better than everyone else. Because I have all and they have nothing. I am the one they dream about. I am everything they’re not. I am above them all. I am not perfect, but I’m so close to  it that it scares me. And my biggest mistake is that I went out with you last night. Why, it doesn’t matter. If you can’t accept it, that is your problem. And stop talking like you don’t know me B. We’ll talk when you’re sober.’’

‘’You’re right. I’m going to New York tonight.’’

‘’Good for you, have some fun & come to your senses.’’

‘’Right back at ya.’’

She just left the room. I don’t know why I said all that. I..I just can’t  stand anything anymore. She is my best friend but she crossed the line.  No one does it. No one is allowed to. I’m losing myself. I don’t know what’s happening. I am not who I am, I am what people think I am. Mia Evans. The best of the best. The one & only. I don’t make people love, I make them fear me. I hate everyone equally.

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