Chapter 5-Watch out I'm coming right at you

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Chapter 5

Mia’s POV

Blair really left. I thought she was just kidding. She always does. Last year when she broke up with Daniel she said that she would go to Alaska. I thought she was kidding, but she spent almost 2 months there. This time I don’t know what to think. I accept the fact that I probably overreacted. But this town…I just don’t like it. I still can’t believe that I will have to spend my whole life here.

I must never forget why I’m here. But I’m homesick. And nostalgic. And revenge is a form of nostalgia. That’s why I’m here. To revenge. To make them suffer. To make them crawl. And that will happen very soon. But it will be slow. What I’m going to do is going to hurt as much as humanly possible.

Joe’s POV

This is gonna be a beautiful day. It’s sunny. Finally. I just got back from Carrington. We have a very important game on Saturday. We have to win. We will. I’m an optimist. I believe in my team.

“Hey David wanna go out for a drink?. We’ll meet with Joleon.’’

‘’Yeah sure, just let me change my clothes.’’

“Of course.’’

Mia’s POV

This is officially my first day of work here. It’s been only two days since I’ve moved here. Who would say? I feel like it’s been a month. I miss Vancouver. My home.  It’s the most beautiful city in the world. Of course, today I have to look perfect. Why? Cuz of the fact that I am. Ok, I’m not. But they all think I am. I will never forget Richard’s words “You’re not who you are. You’re what people think you are.’’ Hi is right. He is always right. He is the only person I completely trust in this world. The only person that never left me. The only person who supports me in everything.  Hi is my lawyer. People think that he is my lawyer. He is my lawyer but he is actually my father. Not really my father, but he raised me. Nobody knows that. Not even Blair. That’s better.

I always cared a lot about the way I look. I am superficial. I confess. That’s not the part of my perfect image. That’s real me. Today I’m wearing black short dress with gold belt and Gianmarco Lorenzi gold pumps along with black handbag with gold chain. I’m looking fabulous.

Joe’s POV

So Joe who is that girl?’’

‘’I don’t know who are you talking about Joleon.”

‘’Last Thursday I saw you with that girl. Brunette, tall…”

Oh no. That is definitely something I’m not proud of. One night stand. I hope I will never see her again.

“She’s just a friend.’’

“Yeah, right.’’

Yeah right why would he believe me?

“Hey it’s Mia.’’’-David said

I turned around & there she was. She looked amazing. Nothing compared to the girl I used to see everyday. And back then she also looked pretty good. She was with an older guy and going in our direction. She really looks much older that she is.

‘’I’m going to ask her about Blair. I was supposed to meet her up today but she didn’t text me or call me back.’’

‘’Who is Blair? You have a girlfriend? David you’re not telling us anything.’’

‘’She is not my girlfriend…..Hey Mia.’’

Mia’s POV

I could hear someone calling me. I didn’t know who it was. It is probably someone who’s not important cuz nobody yells my name just like that.

“Mia that guy over there is calling you.’’-Richard said to me

I turned around and oh no it can’t be possible.

‘’I don’t freaking believe it.’’’

‘’You know him?’’

‘’I don’t. But he apparently knows me.’’

‘’Who is he?’’

‘’I don’t know. Blair’s one night stand.’’

‘’Blair. One night stand?’’

‘’Exactly. Let’s go.’’

This will be interesting. But this is not going to be my fault. He has to learn his lesson. And the lesson is “Be careful what you wish for, cuz you just might get’’. How is that his lesson? He’ll see.

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