love at first sight?

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"Jeremy, Jeremy lewis" he and kirstin shook hands.

Kirstin got a few more coffees for the others. After apolgizing one more time, and they even gave each other there numbers.

Kirstie went to her car and started it, then drove off. She was embaressed.. for a while she forgot about something she did that made her regret but she was also thinking will she be Happy meeting jeremy, and thinking should they meet again.

When she got back to the bus and kevin, scott and Esther and Mitch were awake. So she gave them there drinks.

"Morning Sleepy heads" She says.

Kirstie went into the other room on the bus to get her charger and mitch followed her."hey, babe"

"Hi mitchie" she says looking still for the charger."hun, who's the new guy?"

She says "what?"

"Kit, dont play that game. I know you met someone i can easly tell girl" he smirked.

I sighed oh well. "His name is jeremy"

He gasped."is he cute? hansom? Sexy?" the band knows me and jake are broken up.

"He's cute" i say.

Mitch is Happy, but he probably was hoping he was not just cute. "And he gave me his number"

Yep, Mitch was happy for me cause this man might be better then jake. I know mitch did not like Jake.


The band was hanging out and kirstie got a text.

Hey, its jeremy remember me?

Kirstie:Hi, yes i remember you.

(im lazy to write the text i will later tho)

Kirstie and jeremy kept talking, they she told him she's on tour and after the tour they both promised to meet up when they could.

Kirstie started liking this guy, he seemed nice and he was single for a while. His ex left cause she cheated a few times and he kicked her out for meny reasons she stole, used his money and she was secretly with other men who had money.

They did a few shows allready and there in

Jerjer-Good luck ill be watching the live stream 👍

Kirst-Thank you

She text back 4 minutes before they all had to go on stage. They did there intro and sang songs then chair girl. And all those fun stuff they do meeting fans and yea.


The band was soo hapy of the tour they did like a world tour. They did there solo's..well there solo parts of Ptx songs, it was amezing the fans were crazy as ever.

Thete next show will be obe of the shows that in around 3 more places to be and concerts.


"That was a good show" Avi says holding his hand out to kevin for a avin shake.

Kevin nodding as they did there meat and potato hand shake. "yes it was"


The band was celebrating for there allmost last show for tour probably intill then they the last concert and ride home.

After they all packed and stuff they put there belongings in the bus and went off it was late but they all parting.

Scott and Mitch were the most crazy, and they blasted the music so it was like a party bus. Scott did his drop low and terk dance, aaand Mitch and his vogue.

Every thing was fun, kirstie was talking to Jeremy..well texting.

Jerjer-Cant wait to see you when you get back from tour

Oh, and Jeremy asked kirstie for a date when tour is over, or around there. Only mitch she told, but she was pretty sure he told Scott. So i gues scomiche knows.


I smile at my phone texting Jeremy, he soo sweet and kind. He even has a daughter who is around 2 weeks old but she is at her grand parents cause Jeremy had some where he needed to be so thats how i met him...well bumped into him. And he gave me his number to soo..

He sended me a photo of her and she was so cute, him and his daughter made me allmost forgot about jake and...but lets not talk about it.

His daughters is name is Taylor.

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