Call me Joyce

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Joyce left her job half hour late. That happened a lot since she worked at the market of The Starcourt Mall. Donald couldn't compete against it and had to close his store. Joyce had been really worried, but a week later she got the new job. She worked as responsible of the cashiers, nine hours for day from monday to saturday. It was stressful sometimes to had to lead the younger cashiers that only stayed in the job for a few months and to had only one free day to spend with her sons, but they paid her well. At least she didn't had to work in two places anymore, with working at the Mall was enough.

Steve was waiting for her by her car, he worked in the Mall too at the ice cream shop Ahoy. He waited for her sometimes when he needed a ride. She left him in some restaurant, apparently he had a date which she teased him about, then she went home.

That night The Party were hanging in her house, and had been all day since it was rainy. She liked them being at her place, she was glad they still feel safe in her house after every horror that had happened there. The summer school vacations had made her home become one of the places the kids always hang out, the others were Hopper's cabin and the Wheeler's house. Also they loved going to the wood and the swimming public pool. All Hawkins knew Eleven as Jane, the kid Jim had adopted. The lab was gone after the scandal of the newspaper article, thanks to Nancy, Jonathan and Bauman; but still they had to be careful and keep low profile. So the kids always had to tell them where they were going and called one of them (she or Hopper) if they thought they were in some kinda of trouble.

- Can i come in? - She asked after knocking the door of Will's room. She could hear all the noise they were making inside and that made her smile, she love all those kids, they were such good friends to Will and that made her feel happy and grateful. - Hey kids. - She greeted them once Will had open the door to let her in. They were all sitting on the floor playing some board game.

- Hey mum. - Will gave her a kiss on the cheek.

- Hello Ms Byers. - All the kids said at the same time making her laugh because they sounded like a chorus.

- Having fun? - She asked them.

- Yes, sorry for the mess, we're in the middle of a battle. - Will explained.

- Is okay. - She said with a smile, she loved their imagination for games. - Are you guys staying for dinner? - She wanted to know so she could go to cook something.

- Can they? - Will asked excited.

- Of course. - She answered without doubting it for a second.

- Okay, then.... - Will looked at his friends and they were all nodding. - They are staying. - He said with a big smile that made his eyes shine brighter.

- Good, i'm going to cook something, i'll call you when it's ready. - She informed them and went to left the room.

- Thanks Ms Byers. - Lucas said before she was out.

- Actually, can i ask for a favor? - She asked turning back to the kids.

- Yes. - Will answered, all his attention focused in her mother.

- Not you sweety, to your friends. - She said.

- Yes. - Mike said, and they all nod.

- Can you guys stop calling me Ms Byers and just call me Joyce please? - She was tired of being called Ms Byers. She didn't want to change her last name because it was easy for her sons that they all had the same one, but now that the kids were around a lot she hated being remembered all the time that she had been once married to Lonnie. It just felt wrong.

- Sure, we can do that. - Max agreed talking for everyone.

- But I already call you Joyce. - Eleven said a little confused.

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