When the past comes knocking at your door

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Will was ready to go to Mike's house. His friends were having a meeting there. At first he wasn't sure, but Max had called and told him they miss him. And Joyce and Jonathan had advised him to go. They both were at work now. He was bored and the truth was that he missed his friends too. So he decided it was time for him to confront them after their kinda fight.

But when he open the door of his home he found to persons waiting there, his dad and the man of the vision he had days ago. Did Lonnie deserved to still be called dad by him? He wasn't sure. What he did know was that he was never there. Will suddenly felt scared, like he could feel that wherever reason they had to be there wasn't good.

- Hey Will. - Lonnie greated him.

- Hi. - Will greated him back. - What are you doing here? - He asked.

- I come to see you and Jonathan, i miss you. - Lonnie answered like it should be obvious.

- Jonathan's at work and I'm going to Mike's to meet my friends. - Will said trying to passed him by to get his bike.

- But i'm here. - Lonnie protested grabbing his arm.

- Who's him? - Will asked, changing the topic.

- I'm Liam, your grandfather. - The man presented himself.

- I thought your dad was dead. - Will said to Lonnie. Had he lied about something like that?

- He's not my dad, he's your mom's dad. - Lonnie explained.

- Well i have to go to Mike's, they're waiting for me. - Will insisted, he didn't feel comfortable around them, he wanted to go.

- Then give us the keys of the house. - Lonnie said.

- Are you serious? - Will asked surprised. - There's no one at home, i can't let you stay. - He said after he saw his dad was serious about what he was asking.

- Come on, i'm here and this is my home. I'll wait for you and Jonathan to come back. - Lonnie tried to convince him.

- This is not your home anymore, and you are never here, you didn't even come back when you found out i wasn't dead. - Will said angrily.

Lonnie slapped him hard on the face. It hurted, but he did like it didn't. He didn't wanted to give him a reason to feel proud of himself for making him feel bad. His dad loved making other people feel bad, but Will was determined not to gave him that. He felt blood on his nose. This was not good. His mother and his brother were going to be furious when they found out. But he didn't want them to stay, he was worried about his vision. So he tried to get to his bike again, but Liam stopped him and between him and Lonnie pushed him back inside his house.

- You see what i have to deal with. - Lonnie said to Liam.

- He's just as trouble as his mother, isn't him? - Liam said making a weird sound, like a laugh.

They opened some beers and they also grabbed some whisky his mother had. They made lot of noise, they played a game with cards and laugh a lot. Will stayed sitting on the couch in silence, watching them. He started thinking, he needed to find a way out of this situation. But before he could get an idea, his mother was back. What was she doing back home when she only have been gone for like three hours? She was so distracted that didn't even realised there were people in her living room, she just went right to her bedroom.

- Mom. - He called her, standing from the couch.

- Will? - She asked surprised. - I thought you were at mike's. - She said from her room.

- I hadn't go yet. - He said, keeping his voice high so she could hear him. - What are you doing here? - He asked.

- I forgot my work identification, so they asked me to come for it. - She answered. - Want me to give you a ride? - She offered appearing again in the living room, she had put her id in the shirt of her uniform.

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