Follow your dreams

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Joyce was making dinner. She was cooking a beef casserole. She had never been very good at cooking, but she had learnt to defend herself on it since she had Jonathan and felt the need to do more home cooked and healthier meals. She found herself thinking in Hopper again, it seems like lately she couldn't stop thinking about him.

- Can i help? - Asked Jonathan interrupting her thoughts.

- No, is okay, i got it. - She answered.

- I can help. - He insisted.

- Then i peel and and you cut - She said pointing the potatoes and the carrots. She gave him something to do because she felt that he needed that.

They stayed in silence working together. She could feel that something had him worried, and that worried her. She wished she could took away all his problems and the pressures of their daily life. He had grown up so fast and that always made her emotional. She gave him time, she knew he would talk when he wanted to and when he was ready, so at least she could give him the comfort of her presence.

- Tomorrow comes the university applications. - He said.

- I know. - She always remembered the important things about her sons.

- I was thinking that I should apply to Indiana University. - He shared what he had been thinking.

- What about NYU? - She asked surprised about what his son was revealing.

- I don't want to go there anymore. - He answered.

- Why? - She asked needing to know what made him change of opinion.

He stayed in silence, he didn't know what to say or how to explain what was going on. And that made her worry even more. NYU had been his dream since he was six year old. So, what had change? Why was he giving up to his dream?

- Do you still want to study photography? - She asked. - Because is okay if you want to study other thing, i will support you in wherever you want to do; you know that right? - She reassured him, making sure that he knew that he could choose his future.

- Yes, i still want to study photography. - He answered.

- So why not NYU? - She asked needing to know more to understand what was going on with him.

- Because Indiana has a good program too and it's cheaper. - He explained.

- I'm not letting you give up to your dreams because of the money, we'll figure out something. - She said with certainty. She needed him to know that his dreams came first no matter what.

- I know we will, that's what your second job was about right? - He said. He always knew that they had money problems, but he also knew that her mother used to work in two places because she wanted to save some money so Will and him could go to the university. Maybe they couldn't afford everything with it, but that and some kinda of scholarship he could get would help.

- You've always been better with numbers than me. - She said surprised that he had realized that without her telling him. - I know it's not much, but it will help, and i'lll keep helping. - She assured him.

- I know, but Indiana is closer to home if something strange happens again. - He finally confessed his worries.

- So, that is what this is about? - She asked and he assisted. - Darling you can't think like that, you can't stop living your life thinking on the "what if". - She said trying to reason with him.

- But, if i'm not here when something bad happens, who's gonna take care of you and Will? - He asked looking scared and vulnerable.

- Hey, i'm the mom here, let me be the one who take care of you. - She remembered him.

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