Something in the water (part 1)

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Will saw it everything, like a vivid dream. As he saw the images in his head he draw them on a paper. A man was hurting his mom. A man he didn't know. When he came back to conscious he realized he had draw the man and what he had wasn't a dream or a nightmare, it had been a vision. What did it mean? Did had powers or was he kinda possessed again? But if he was possessed it didn't make sense that her visions could help him with her mom. He decided that he was going to go to Jonathan first, he didn't want to worry her mom.

- Do you know this man? - He asked to his brother. Jonathan was making breakfast.

No, i don't. - Jonathan answered after watching the draw, then continued making the waffles.

- Well then we have to find him before he hurts mom. - Will said sitting on the table.

- What? - Jonathan asked feeling confused.

- I had a vision, this man is going to hurt mom. - Will explained.

- You had a vision? Since when you have visions? And how do you know it wasn't just a nightmare? - Jonathan questioned.

- I know because i was awake when it happened. - Will answered. - Jonathan you have to believe me, we need to... - He started pleasing, but suddenly they felt noise, their mother was awake.

- You need to save that draw, we don't need to worry mom about more things. - Jonathan indicated. - We'll talk about it once we are back from the public pool, okay? - He suggested because he didn't want to leave his brother concerned.

- Okay. - Will accepted.

Joyce entered the kitchen and gave her sons a good morning kiss. They had breakfast together. It was sunday and she had the day free. They weren't going to have lunch with the Hopper's because Jim had to work and the kids were going to the public pool. Maybe she should do some research about the lab, she felt like they were stuck and that made her worry. Things were quiet, too quiet. And somehow that made her feel anxious, like she was waiting something to happen, like something was going to explode if she didn't pay attention.

- Mom you should come with us. - Will said interrupting her thoughts.

- What? To the pool? - She asked surprised. - No, i don't want to interfere in your friends time. - She appreciated the offer, but didn't want to bother.

- Will is right, you should come. Is your free day, you could relax, swim, sunbathe or something. - Jonathan agreed with Will's idea. I'm sure Karen will be there too, you could catch up with her. - He tried to convinced her.

And they did, they convinced her. So that how she found herself driving to the public pool with Will, Eleven, Max, Lucas and Dustin. Jonathan was taking Nancy, Mike, Holly and Karen. She was lost in her thoughts again, but this time thinking about Hopper. About how little time they had for themselves lately. She wished he was going to the pool with them. She knew it was probably stupid, but she kinda missed him. Suddenly something in the kids conversations got her attention.

- What you mean he's acting worth? - She asked, voicing what the kids hadn't dare to.

- I don't know how to explain it. - Max said feeling frustrated. - He's like more aggressive, and he always looks sick, he's pale and sweating all the time. - She described.

- Did he went to the doctor or something? Maybe he is really sick. - Will said

- I don't think so, is not like his dad or my mom care anyway. -

- You don't have to worry about him anymore, i can use my powers on him if he's still bothering you. - Eleven said with confident.

- I'm sure Max appreciate you being protective, but i don't think is a good idea. You need to be careful with your powers or Hopper would have a heart attack. - She remind Eleven about not making her powers known to everyone, she tried a funny way to not ruin the mood.

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