Bigger!, Badder!, Brutal-er Part 2

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So Mike and Alice have arrived at the Island will they be able to help their teammates?? find out now!!

3rd Point Of View
As the teams start the Challenge Alice stands next to Mike while Cameron starts to figure out how to knock the totem pole down.

Cameron: "Okay If Jo hits the centre of the trampoline with 50 pounds of pressure per square inch"

Anne Maria shoves him out of the way with Alice helping him up off the ground making sure he's alright before glaring at Anne Maria behind her back.

Anne Maria: "Back off I want a crack at this!"

Alice: "But Cameron calculated for Jo's weight!"

Anne Maria ignores Alice and jumps onto the trampoline but hits her head on the totem pole causing Alice to wince every time she hits herself.

Alice takes off her hat and gives it to Zoey as she ties her hair into a ponytail and focuses on the totem pole.

Mike watches her as she moves back and sees Alice's determined face making him blush trying to ignore Vito and Manitoba's comments.

Alice: "Okay..... Here I go!!!!"

Alice jumps onto the trampoline and manages to grab a hold of it using her tail causing her teammates to cheer for her.

Jo: "Now that's what I call a solider!"

Brick: "Nice form Rookie!!"

Alice blushes before getting thrown the axe by Jo and begins to chop the totem pole down not noticing Mike switching personalities to Chester with Zoey being confused with the 'Chester act'

She starts to chop down the totem pole with the same squirrel from earlier climbing down it and sits next to her as she notices and smiles at it.

Alice: "Oh hello little guy you are so cute!!"

The squirrel nuzzles against her cheek as Alice has an idea making her smirk as she carefully glances over at the other team standing on each other's shoulders.

Alice: "Say little guy can you use your amazing powers to help me with the totem pole if that's alright with you"

The squirrel nods its head as it zaps the totem pole with its powers making the totem pole fall as Alice backflips safety onto the ground with Jo putting her arm around her shoulder.

Jo: "Nice thinking Rookie Maggots onto the totem pole stat!!!"

She doesn't notice Lightning staring at her and smirking at her.

Alice notices Chester as she holds his hand and leads him over to the totem pole where he begins to panic.

Chester: "Alice are you alright? Wait we're in the lead? Goddammit"

Alice: *Giggles* "Of course Silly now come on let's win this thing.... together!"

Chester smiles fondly at her as the two jump onto the totem pole and pass the other team with the team cheering in excitement.

Confessionals Start

Alice: *Sighs* "Okay Mike has MPD which is Multiple Personality Disorder meaning he has people that randomly pop out like now with Chester But I'm still supporting my friend"

Confessionals End

Alice's Point Of View
After we got the totem pole down thanks to my awesome skills we were heading down the river as I was behind Mike making sure Zoey was okay and safely on the totem pole.

Me: "Zoey you okay back there? if so isn't this awesome Wahoo!!!"

Zoey: "Umm sure but still frighting"

Me: "It's okay if you feel like you're about to fall grab onto my tail don't worry it's not going to hurt me!"

She smiled and hugged me as we were heading towards a waterfall as I cheered waiting for the excitement to kick in.

Cameron: "My first waterfall and my last!!!"

We all reached the end of it as we all screamed but I mostly screamed in excitement as we landed into the forest area and began sliding down the hill.

Zoey started to slip as I grabbed onto her but felt myself slipping but felt Mike wrap his arms around my waist and helped me pull Zoey back onto the totem pole.

Me: "Thanks Mike you're a hero!!!"

He smiled showing his adorable gap in his teeth as I sighed but Zoey heard it and smirked at me as I looked away not noticing the toxic rats passing us.

We then got blown up making us land in different places. I groaned sitting up to see Mike under me as we both laughed and I helped him up.

Staci was blabbering on about the 'great things' her family claims to have done as we all glared at her being soo annoying. Yep she's the one going home alright.

We walked away to our cabins for the rest of the time here. I got the top bunk with Zoey underneath me as I helped her up to my bunk in order for us to chat a bit more.

Zoey: "So I guess my first question to ask you if you don't mind is.... were you born a Neko or?"

Me: "Yeah....... I don't really know how but.... it made me unique"

Zoey: "Wow I really like your ears plus your tail it matches your outfit!"

Me: "Oh thanks Zoey I love your flower it makes your hair really pretty"

She blushed as we continued to get to know one another until the sun set. I got changed into my purple t shirt and my white bed shorts before going over to see Mike.

I knocked the cabin door before entering to see Mike smiling at me as I jumped onto the bed and hugged Mike. He hugged back as I ruffled his hair.

Mike: "Alice..... you alright?"

Alice: "Yeah just saying Good night get some rest now you hear me?"

He chuckled at me as I playfully punched his arm gently making sure that Chester didn't come out and blow his cover.

I said Goodnight to Cameron who went inside of his sleeping bag like a huge bubble but I hugged him which he admitted was his first actual hug.

Me: "Cameron..... stop being so precious!!"

I waved them goodnight and headed outside again. I sighed feeling the warm air in my hair blowing softly.

I sat outside my cabin for a little while watching the stars twinkling in the night. I saw some of the creatures that Chris mutated walking and flying around but some walked up to me as I petted them or scratched them making them purr or growl lightly.

Mike's Point Of View
I watched Alice from the window scratching some of the animals that were mutated but she really seemed to enjoy the animals as I heard her giggle which I softly awed at her.

Luckily everyone was asleep as I went to bed entering my mind again seeing my personality's gather around me.

Svetlana: "Oh Mike when you tell the darling you love her?"

Mike: "I......I.........I"

Vito: "Ay Yo just let me romance her and she'll fall right into our arms"

Manitoba slapped his arm as he fixed his hat before placing his hand on my shoulder. Manitoba was the most sensible one out of all my personalities.

Manitoba: "Mate I'm worried about the Sheila that Jock bloke seems interested in her you got to protect her!"

I sighed and listened to each of their advice. I really hope that they stay out of my way but also help me with Alice......... I hope.

End Of Episode 1

A/n: Hey Guys hope you enjoyed this episode!!!! And let me know what you think about it Okay Guys Peace!!

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