Audition Tape With Mike!!!

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3rd Point Of View
Mike is setting up his camera as he checks that it is working for him as he nervously starts his audition tape.

Mike: "Hi Mike here to explain why I would be great for the next Total Drama! For one I have a lot of different talents to offer I can be agile and graceful but also tough and scrappy with a keen senses of a wilderness survivor I'm ready to win this season I don't care what my doctor says!"

Mike panics at what he has just said.

Mike: "Did I say doctor I meant psychiatrist argh no I mean..... Do over!!!"

Mike tried to turn it off but trips over the camera causing him to fall on the floor as he groans in pain.

Alice: "Mike!!!! Are you okay???"

A girl lifts the camera up as Mike gets up and sits on the bed. The camera reveals a Neko girl with a shocked look on her face.

Mike: "Y..Yeah I'm fine Alice!"

She breathes a sigh of relief as she notices the camera still filming which gives Mike an idea as he goes behind the camera and films Alice.

Alice: "Mike what are you doing?"

Mike: "Well it just.... I was thinking maybe you could audition to?!"

Alice smiles and fixes her hat as she fixes her tie and begins her audition tape.

Alice: "Hello Chef and Chris my name is Alice and before you ask yes these are real I mean just ask Mike my best friend like forever since I was a young kid"

Mike: "Aww Alice go on your doing great!"

Alice: *Blushes* "Well I'm kind and caring but also energetic and a good team player and of course Chris with me on the show I sure the ratings will skyrocket through the roof or in your case through your mansion so please pick me and Mike for Total drama Revenge of the Island!!!! Bye"

Mike turns off the camera and spins her around as the two of them laugh and go to Mike's computer and sends it to Chris.

2 Weeks later

Alice is playing a game with Mike trying to beat her until Mike's mom knocks on the door with an envelope in hand as the two teens gasp with Alice getting up and handing it to Mike with her tail as his mother laughs at the two of them.

Mike looks nervously as he closed his eyes and opens the letter and reads through it with both Alice and his mother looking on worried.

Mike: "I can't believe it ....... Alice we're going on Total drama!!!!!"

Alice looks shocked as Mike's mother screams in joy and starts cheering in Italian with Alice smiling at Mike as the two hug and start packing with some of Mike's personalities coming out to give him advice with Alice giggling behind him.

As Alice is packing she can't wait to spend quality time with her friend and of course her crush as well but puts it to the back of her mind  as she continues to pack her things and can't wait for the adventure ahead of her.

A/n Hey guys hope you enjoyed this chapter don't worry I will update this book after or before I start another chapter of my Alejandro/Bella story!! So peace out guys!!

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