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It was Wednesday morning and Jin repeating the same thing every day but this time more slowly as he thought about what Namjoon said yesterday he, went over to his house.


Namjoom came back with the textbook and sat down next to Jin close he set the book down and opened it to the page. "we can start with the basic question like number 11" Namjoon said shortly.

As time went on Namjoon began to get more touchy to say his hand was on Jin's thigh and his other behind him as Jin was reading the textbook.

Jin let out a whimper as he felt Namjoons large hand on his ass. "h-hyung" Jin spoke softly as he looked back and saw Namjoon with hooded eyes come closer. He then smashed his lips on the younger loving his taste.

"Jin" Namjoon spoke softly.


"Your mine got that"

End Of Flashback+

The statement was still in Jin's mind the couldn't get it out all he remembered was getting flushed and leaving early but much to Namjoons protest, the young boy still left.

He was now downstairs as he ate alone eating the now soggy cereal he sighed and finished and places the plate in the dishwasher and leaving the house, putting in his headphones and walking in a slow pace.

He put the song "Don't wanna cry" by seventeen and walk his way to school it was a hot day today the sun was burning his skin, as walking he felt two strong arms wrap around him making Jin jump and pull the headphones out.

Jin looked back and turned pale as he saw Namjoon he tried to get out the older grip but he couldn't it was iron tight.

"Good morning Jin" Namjoon spoke softly as he closes the space between him and Jin, Jin's face turned a red pink color covering his face.

"h-hyung Hi" Jin spoke in a shy voice as he felt the older get closer if possible he placed his hands on Namjoon's strong chest pushing slightly trying, to get some space.

"Why are you acting so quiet?" Namjoon question as he looked Jin in his eyes needing an answer, Jin gulped and looked away trying to find words but nothing came out.

"I-I'm still e-embarrassed about yesterday.." Jin spoke in a small voice barely over a whisper but Namjoon still managed to hear him. Namjoon chuckled as he hugged the small boy tight.

"Oh, baby why didn't you tell me early? You shouldn't feel embarrassed" Namjoon spoke as he plants soft kisses on Jin's head while holding him.

Jin snuggled into Namjoons chest loving the warmth. He broke the hug and continue to walk without Namjoon interwinding their hands together.

As they walked Namjoon scrolled on his phone while Jin led them both to school and humming a sweet song he made up, the silence was now gone as Jin got a call.

Jin pulled out his phone and looked at the caller and saw it was "TaeTae❤️👽" Namjoon looked over Jin's shoulder and saw the caller and scold while rolling his eyes.

Of course, the boy had Jins phone number Namjoon just wanted to get rid of the kid Jin smiled and answered the phone giggling, while Namjoon heard Taes deep voice on the other line.

As they walked Namjoon felt ignored and wanted Jin's attention but Jin was giving his attention to Tae, Namjoon sighed and wrapped his arms around, Jin's waist while they walked making Namjoon wobble behind Jin pouting.

Wanting attention from Jin he gave soft small kisses on Jin's neck and whining Jin groaned and tried to push Namjoon off, failing Namjoon bit on Jin's neck making Jin yelp and stop.

"Jin you ok?" 

Tae asked as he heard Jin's yelp and shuffling in the back.

"Y-yep! I'm a-alright" Jin said as he moved his shoulder up and down trying to get Namjoon off but it wasn't working, Namjoon chuckled and continued to kiss and bite and suck making big and small marks.

"H-hey can I c-call you l-later," Jin asked and Tae nodded, acting like the other boy can see him, as Jin ended the call. He broke from Namjoons grip and looked at the older with a flushed face.

"W-Why!" was all Jin could say as the older bit his lip and looked at Jin making him flush more.

"why not?" Namjoon answer as he pulled him back Jin sighed and walked away from the older and finally making it to school.

The boys walked in and went to Jin's locker as Jin took out his book.

"Jesus Jin have some class yeah?!" Jin looked back and saw Jimin and Yoongi looking at him well really not him, more like his neck.

Jin titled his head as he pulled out his phone and put camera and gasp as he saw his whole neck was covered in hickeys, big and small all red and purple.

He pulled his shirt up but no use as you can see them.

"Oh my God, what do I do!" Jin panicked and looked around making sure students didn't see.

"Here" Jin looked back and saw Namjoon handing him his hoodie Jin grabbed it and put it on making Jin look more smaller, as it hugged Jins thighs Namjoon smiled.

Jin groaned as he walked to class with Yoongi as Jimin left already Namjoon pulled Jins hand placing a quick kiss on his lips.

Jin pouted and smacked Namjoons chest walked back, Jin sat down and Yoongi as well the class got quite as the teacher walked in and spoke about the lesson.

Midway through then, the lesson Tae walks in looking sweaty and red cheeks, Tae sat down but wincing after and huffed.

"You slut you had sex with Jungkook before class didn't you" Yoongi spoke as he looked at Tae with cold eyes. Tae blushed more and hummed and took notes.

Yoongi threw a pencil at Tae making him pout and throw it back, Jin sighed and took notes while the two fought to the death.

"Jin~" Namjoon spoke as he back hugged Jin and walked down the halls Jin blushed.

"J-Joon!" Jin said as he was lifted off the floor and thrown over a shoulder making it seem to be didn't weigh nothing.

"come on let's go home," Namjoon said today was early day so they got out at 1:15 Jins parents where not home and his brother didn't live with them so he was home alone.

"Joon can I-I get d-down" Jin squeaked out and prayed he can get down, Namjoon sighed and placed Jin down so he can open the door to his house while opening the door Namjoon took Jin's phone going through it. 

Jin opened the door and walked to the couch and laid down on his stomach he heard the door close and footsteps around the house but ignored it, he then felt weight on him.

He was flipped over and met with Namjoons eyes that were cold and dark, Jin froze and looked at him with scared in his eyes.

"Mind telling me who the fuck this is," Namjoon said as he holds up Jin's phone and saw a contact that had "Hoseok🌞❤️💗" Jin frowned and looked at Namjoon.

"Joon he's my ex back in middle school... We are friends now what's the problem"

"The fuck you think I look like Just a friend my ass why the fuck you still talking with him!" Namjoon's blood was boiling at this point.

"He's just my friend! I don't like him like that Joon! We are over I told him lound and clear and he understands!"

Namjoon grabbed Jin's hand and pulled him up making Jin wince and whimper.

"I don't want you talking with him understand that!" Namjoon yelled in Jin's face making it loud and clear.

"Namjoon s-stop!"

Namjoom threw Jin over his shoulder and walked to Jin's room while Jin whined and smacked Namjoon's back, The door was opened and Jin was thrown on the bed and Namjoon slamming the door.

Might update tomorrow too💞!

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