Awful Summer

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A few weeks had past since getting back to the Dursley's and things seem to be going from bad to worse, but the worst was yet to come, the Dursley's were having a visitor, A horrible one at that, Vernon's sister is coming to visit which Seri couldn't remember the name of nor did she care to learn it, she hated Harry and Seri due to the fact that they weren't Vernon's children. Seri was helping to get things ready for when they got there, she hadn't had much time to focus on the diary as the Dursley's seemed to have had chores after chores for her to do yet Harry and Dudley didn't seem to do anything which did cause some arguments. There was a knock at the door and everyone seem to stand still, the women was early and that was Seri cue to get out of the way, she quickly made her way up the stairs as Vernon went to open the door. Seri climbed the ladder to get into the attic (which is where she still had her room) and went to the trunk with all her Hogwarts stuff in it. She pulled out the diary which was slowly repairing as the potion was taking ages but it should be repaired before the start of school.

All of a sudden there was shouting downstairs which made Seri jump, she quickly climbs down the ladder and moves down the stairs fast just to see Vernon's sister as a balloon and flying out the window, Seri couldn't help but laugh, a second later Harry was racing to get out of the room and Vernon was following him demanding that he brings his sister back, Harry got his trunk and pointed his wand at Vernon, Seri wasn't sure what to do but told her brother not to be stupid but Vernon backed away and Harry went out the front door and slammed it behind him. Seri thought yet again that Harry was attention seeking, she turned to Vernon apologized for her brothers actions and then headed back upstairs and to her room.

The next week were uneventful, the ministry had sorted out Vernon's sister, Harry hadn't come back, dunno where he was staying but Seri was glad that he wasn't around it was much less stress and Seri was happier without that idiot being here, Seri and Dudley got on really well as usually Seri did use magic to repair anything Dudley broke which made him very happy and her aunt and uncle didn't really mind her using it as it was for Dudley and they would do anything for him. Tom Riddles diary only had a very small hole in it now but tomorrow she was back at Hogwarts and she wanted it completely restored before she went back but that wasn't going to happen now.

The Dursleys took Seri to the station to get the train to go back to Hogwarts, she had everything packed including the Diary, when she got to the station Vernon helped her got her trunk out of the boot of the car and then got back into the drivers seat sort of said goodbye and Seri went to get the train, once she was on the train she went to find Draco, she had missed him as during the summer they didn't see each other. Once she got into Draco's compartment, he saw Draco laying down with his head on Pansy's lap while she was stroking his hair, this really did annoy Seri as she sort of wanted to do that to Tom but somehow she knew he wouldn't be the type of person to want that. 

After what seemed like a forever train ride they finally got to Hogwarts where a new year of lessons would start and more of the opportunity to perform magic to help Tom Riddle come back.

I am really sorry this opener is short just a small chapter to introduce the next book and hopefully I can get that done weekly if not it will be done in the next 2 weeks. As always feedback is always welcome and appreciated on how you think it can be improved. 

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