The secrets of memories

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Snape wasn't very helpful when answering Seri's questions, Seri stormed out of the classroom without any of her questions answered and Snape standing there with massive concern but was he meant to do. Seri went to her room pulled the Diary out from under the mattress and started to cry but little did she realise that with every tear that touched the diary that it started to glow and absorbed the tears. Seri curled up on her bed still holding the diary and didn't go to any more classes that day, she just wanted to be close to Tom even though he wasn't around anymore, or so she thought.

 Later on that day, Seri put the diary back under the mattress and went down for dinner she sat with Draco, while he just went on about rubbish, Snape was looking over at her with worry, Seri was worried that he would of told Dumbledore but Dumbledore didn't seem to show any signs of that and hadn't called her into his office so she must be in the clear, but she knew Snape was going to be keeping an eye on here from now on. Seri excused herself when she was done eating and went to start her homework.

A few months later, the lessons were the same and Snape had stopped watching Seri's every move as he seemed to determine that she wasn't up to anything and left her to do whatever. Seri was still acing all her classes with top marks, she kept avoiding Harry who seemed to be dealing with something else. She also upset Lupin when she started to quiz him about being a werewolf as she worked it out and he wasn't happy about it. It was Dinner time and Seri was sitting chatting with Draco about how classes were going and offered to help him with some things if he needed, Seri was also having to decide what classes she wanted to take next year, she had decided she wanted to have a career in potions so that was her main subject to take, she needed to think of offers so decided to take care of magical creatures and most of the others even if she couldn't make all the classes she would be able to get the home work and wanted to take as many OWL as possible.

While Seri was eating dinner with her friends, one of the girls that shared a dorm with Seri, went back to the room on her own to get a book, when she noticed something calling out from Seri's bed and it was glowing, the girl lifted up the Mattress and saw the book, she picked it up and it stopped glowing, it fell back onto the bed and the mattress went back on top of it as the girl fell to the floor after being drained of energy.

Seri got back to the dorm to get a book and saw the girl laying on the floor, she quickly checked for a pulse, when she found one she pulled the girl up and with a bit of difficulty started to take her to the hospital wing, one of the prefects was in the common room and ran to help, asking what happened, Seri explained that she just round the girl laying there and was trying to help. They both took the girl to the hospital wing and the headmaster was called to tell what happened, the nurse did explain that the girl was going to be all right, she just had no energy. Dumbledore called Seri and the Prefect to his office as he wanted to know what had happened, Seri explained that she left dinner to do her homework, when she got to the dorm the girl was just on the floor and the prefect said that Seri just went in there and the next minute she was coming out with the girl so her story was backed up, Dumbledore let them both go and they returned to the Slytherin common room. 

Seri went into her dorm and got the book out it looked as if it did before, she opened it up and just wrote something in there, the ink disappeared and then a message appeared back, the tears fell from Seri's eyes again but these were tears of joy as on the page was written "Yes Seri, I am here and always will be"

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