Back at Hogwarts

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After everything had calmed down Seri went back to find the Malfoys as she couldn't wait to get away from the Weasleys. They were sitting in the accommodation they had like nothing had happened but Draco seemed to be really annoyed at something, Seri went over to Draco and the two of them began to talk about what had happened before packing up to head back to Malfoy Manor. Once Seri reached the mansion she made her way to the room she would be staying in to put her stuff there before heading down for a decent breakfast, before she went down, she quickly made a note in Tom's Diary and she was upset to see he replied, she had hoped that he wouldn't have to be in the Diary all the time but yet again he was.

The rest of the summer past quickly between learning new spells and playing quidditch with Draco and it was finally time to head back to Hogwarts for her third year and her and Draco were super excited as something really great was going to happen this year and neither of them could wait. The whole train ride there, Draco seemed to ignore Seri and just spoke to his other friends, Seri didn't mind this some much as she had some research that needed to be done, by the time Seri had finished the book the train pulled to a stop, and everyone was getting up to get off the train, the carriages were already waiting there to take them all to the castle, Draco got in a carriage and just as Seri was about to climb in after everyone else did, Pansy Parkinson pushed her out the way and took the last seat, Seri walked down to another carriage and was really annoyed to see it was already filled with her brother and his friends, but there was one seat left so she had no choice but to get in, the whole journey Harry was pestering her about who her boyfriend was and if he was a student at Hogwarts, Ginny winched every time the name Tom was mentioned but none of the other noticed.

Once the carriage arrived, Seri was the first to get out and ran to catch up to her friends with Harry shouting at her which she just ignored, as soon as they reached the castle they went into the great hall for the feast, soon after they had all taken their seats, the year 1 students turned up and all looked very nervous, Seri was looking over at them and one student stood out among the others, but Seri couldn't think why, each one was called up and finally it was the turn of the student that Seri had been watching "Amyryn" called Professor McGonagall near enough as soon as the hat touched their hat the sorting hat called out Slytherin, Amyryn made their way and sat down at the table with green banners, Seri welcomed them and shook their hand and this new student was quickly welcomed and befriend but not only Seri but Draco and all his friends as well.

After the feast Dumbledore stood up and made another announcement about the triwizard tournament, everyone was so excited until some other man said that no one under the age of 17 would be able to enter and they alot of people got really angry, Seri heard the Weasley twin shouting about it being rubbish and unfair, Draco looked kinda annoyed as well, Seri wasn't majorly bothered about entering as she didn't want the fame, she just wanted a nice life and hopefully that could be with Tom. 

After everything was said Dumbledore told everyone to go to bed but Seri decided to make a detour, she went in the old girls bathroom with the Diary, Mertle didn't seem to be around that was good, Seri pulled open the Diary and went to write in it but then there was a light and Tom was standing in front of her, the two of them quickly opened the passage to the chamber of secrets and went down there to talk properly.

Sorry this one is short I will try and make up for it next time :) 

Seri Potter and The return of Tom RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now