No doubt

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Seri and Tom sat for a few minutes without saying anything to each other, Tom clearly bored of the silence he started to speak. "I know I should of told you who I really was" Seri looked at him with tears in her eyes, just replied that I don't care about that and Tom was so surprised when she hugged him, he awkwardly put his arms round her as he didn't understand why she was hugging him. Seri pulled away after a few minutes and just apologised saying she didn't think she would ever see him again, they spent the next few hours talking to each other about plans and where each other stood but one thing was for sure was that Seri was completely on Tom's side against the world, even though they were both only half bloods they were going to make the wizarding world only for pure bloods and that was it. 

Seri had to go as people would get suspicious if she didn't sleep in the dorm, Tom wasn't going to return to the diary he was free of that now, the strong feelings Seri had for him were more powerful to bring him back than taking anyone's life would ever have been and Tom was realising the power of love even though he didn't understand it or feel it at all, he was still going to use Seri for that power she provides him, but this was only the start and he would soon begin to feel with doubt about what he was doing.

Seri got back to the dorm and Draco was there waiting, he started to moan at her about where she had been and that he was worried. Seri simply apologised about it, he started to quiz her on where she had been of course she couldn't tell him and she tried to make out that she had just been studying as it was the start of her preparation for her OWLs this year, he seemed to believe this answer as she did get amazing grades on her end of year tests. Seri now really tired went up to bed, leaving Draco alone in the common room.

The next morning lessons began, Seri had potions first, she got all her stuff together to head to the class and there she realised she had a class with Ginny. Seri was really worried about what Ginny would do after seeing Tom at the world cup, if she would say anything but she seemed to of not had, that could of been out of fear of what will happen to her or it might of been that she didn't think anyone would believe her but she was staying as far away from Seri as possible when having a class together, even making sure Seri went in first so she could sit the other side of the room to her. After a while Snape arrived and asked people to pair up, Seri ended up paired up with a girl called Astoria Greengrass. Seri listened half interested as Snape was going on about the potion that they were meant to make, Astoria kept nudging Seri to make sure she was listening, but she didn't need to listen she knew how to make this potion and as soon as Snape told everyone to start Seri got all the ingredients she needed and started to make the potion while Astoria stood there stunned, Seri gave her little jobs to go like cutting or peeling things but mostly made it herself. 

After the time there were giving was up Snape made his way round to check them, he took a look at Seri potion and said it was perfect for the stage it was at, Ginny started to shout cause Snape didn't say much about her potion. Ginny shouted you are only this good cause of him, nothing to do with your own abilities, your stupid, without him your nothing and she stormed out, the other people in the class started to whisper, and the mayor question on everyone's lips was who is the him Ginny was on about, Snape looked at Seri confused, he was about to ask but Seri quickly packed up her things and rushed out the classroom, as soon as she got out, she started to cry and the one person she wanted was Tom, she made her way to the girls bathroom and down into the chamber to seek the comfort she wanted but would he be there to give it to her.  

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