Love returned

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Seri couldn't believe that Tom was finally back but didn't quite know how he was but that didn't matter at the moment, he was all that mattered. Seri shaking wrote another message to Tom "I missed you" Tom didn't seem to reply to that, so Seri wrote a second message and they just began to communicate back and forth until it got quite late, Seri with Toms help did all of her home work to a very high standard. Seri was realising how much of a genius Tom really was and that she couldn't wait to get him out of that book.

The next few days were uneventful, Seri went to lessons, did her home work, hung out with Draco for a bit and then spoke to Tom before bed. Seri started to become happy again and even tolerated Draco a lot better, Potions was still her best subject. She had made her choice about what subjects she was going to take next year and there was lots of them and with Toms help then she will be able to complete them all and get top grades, she wanted to become a healer. 

Draco came running into the great hall with his hand over his nose, Seri noticed that there was blood trailing down from it, Draco quickly ran to Seri and begged her to fix it, which she did with ease using a simple spell, Draco calmed down after that and the two of them began to talk about what had happened. Seri was fuming when he told her that Hermione had hit him, She said "how dare someone like that hit you, what right does she have." Seri got up and stormed out of the great hall in such a foul mood, Draco thought she was going to comfort Hermione but Seri wasn't. Seri headed straight for the common room and the girls dorm, where she picked up Tom Riddle's diary and started to write in it.


Tom just replied with a question mark as he wasn't sure if she was being serious but Seri explained to him what she had down and her blood status and he was more understanding but at the same time he knew that Seri would never forgive herself if someone died cause she asked for them to be killed.

That night Seri was told that Harry had been injured and nearly killed, Seri wasn't really bothered by it she was more interested in them seeing an actual werewolf and what it looked liked and what its aura was like.

The rest of the year went quite slowly and Seri wasn't looking forward to going back to a house with Harry but at least she had Tom with her.

Seri Potter and The return of Tom RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now