somethings not right

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[Grillbys POV]

I watch closly as Sans makes his way into the bar, he seemed to looks like he's had no sleep or perhaps he dunk too much last night. "Hello Sans, would you like anything?" I asked as he put his head down on the counter. "Long day hu?" I say, still he says nothing just stays silent, I hand him a bottle of ketchup in order to cheer him up. It worked a little but not entirely well as I had expected. He rapidly drank the ketchup, he had never done this before so I knew that something must have been on him mined. "You don't seem yourself today, something on your mind?"

After maybe half an hour of silence he spits it out and asks, "Grillby... how do you work.. so hard?" He added. "Like it's uselss... everything we do is useless.." "Sans nothing is useless. You just have to t-"I say then get intprupted by him again. "But Grillb I can't!" Some customers looked over at us. "I-its impossible...." Tears formed in his eyes, I dry a glass and put some water in it, then place it in front of him. "Sans drink some water and calm down and Tell me why your suddenly say this," "Dude... you... you wouldn't understand..." He told me slowly. "Im sure whatever it is I will try my best to help, I do help you with most things anyway."

"If I tell you, you tell no one.... Not papyrus, not Alphys. No one..." he says as I node after. He reaches into his jacket pocket and takes some out and hides it under his bones. "It... might be sudden but there's... not really that much I can do about it..." he tells me. He slowly put a pregnancy test in front of me. "You got someone pregnant hu?" I ask, his face goes red a bit. "N-no not exactly. You got someone pregnant.... To be exact you got me pregnant..." he puts his head back on the counter in embarrassment and leaving me shocked. "But how? This is physically impossible. Skeletons can't get preg-" he stops me with a sudden "shh" and takes the test putting it back in his pocket as papyrus walks over. " Hello brother. Hello Grillby." "Good evening Papyrus, can I get you anything?" I ask him. "No thanks Grillby. I'm just here to see Sans. He wasn't at training today so I came to see why."

[Sans POV]

I heard my younger brother and the fiery bartender having a conversation then hear my name being mentioned. I sit up and look over my shoulder, "Oh, jeez, sorry pap I must have just forgotten. It is new in our schedule so I guess I just messed up today." I try to explain nervously. "It's ok Sans. Just be there tomorrow, Undyne gets really mad when her students aren't there." I chuckle, "Same old Undyne I guess?" "I suppose I should head off then" papyrus said, "The human is waiting for me to pick them up from school." "Yeah. I'll see you when I get home then." Then he walked off. I place my head back on the wooden surface, "Sans does papyrus know about this?" He asked me when he walked out. "I never really thought about telling him. I'm jusr so caught up in my own life that I just haven't got around to it."

I talk to Grillby for another hour and then set off home. My legs feels so tired, I've been walking for about 10 minutes, no teleporting just walking. I reach the door, go for the handed but suddenly my eyes shut.

[Papyrus POV]

I was sitting with frisk watching Steven Univers when all of a sudden we hear a bang on the door, frisk jumped, "Don't worry Frisk, the great papyrus will protect you." I say standing up and going to the door. Slowly I opened it as a short skeleton fell in, "Sans? Are you OK?" He gave me no reply he just snored. Lazy old Sans. He's not usually like this, did he drink too much? I took him up to his room and tucked him in. "Sleep well brother." I whisper as shutting the door then going back down and unpausing the show.

// Hope you guys enjoy my comeback story, also so sorry for being gone. When I get the time I will do a chapter 2 to the story. Anyway bye my YEETS!//

Bartenders Child // Sanby FanficTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang