The Begining

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My father was an outlaw, he raised my brother and I alone after our mother died. We lived in a small cabin outside Strawberry. He taught us many things about conning, stealing and fighting. I never wanted to become an outlaw and neither did my older brother. So when my father and his crimes finally caught up with him we left, I was only 15 my brother 18. He eventually found a girl and started a family of his own. I lived with them for a few months, trying to help him build his ranch. It was nice...until it happened.

I was working as a waitress at a dingy little restaurant, a big gruff and Solemn looking man comes in for a meal. His face was drained of any emotion, slowly he walked toward the back tables to the restaurant, his long jacket flowing slightly as he moved and sat down. I didn't think anything of it, many men came in and out everyday, but I didn't like the looks he was giving me. I timidly approached him, asking him what he wanted to eat. He order a simple plate of venison and began to eat. All the while looking at me with dark eyes.

As I was in the back of the of the building throwing some things out I felt a hand on my mouth and waist, and I was being pulled back. I was struggling hard and doing everything in my power to fight back but he was strong. He carried me off into the forest and called for his horse. As soon as his horse arrived he pointed a gun at me and forced me on. Terrified I complied and hoisted myself up while he gets on behind me.

"Try anything and I won't hesitate to kill you" he growled at me. I could smell the lingering scent of whisky on his breath. He must of had his own because Strawberry is a dry town.

My minded flooded with the horrifying thoughts of what he might do to me if I don't get out of this. For now all I can do is hold on to the horn of the saddle and wait for him to take me wherever he was planning.

We made it to a small camp north of Strawberry surrounded by trees. I knew there wouldn't be anyone to my rescue, hardly anyone traveled way because of all the dangerous wildlife.

The man got off the horse with his gun still aimed at me. His rough hand grabbed the front of my dress and shoved me down, falling into the dirt. The man started for me, climbing on top of me. With an instinct I never knew I had I kicked him with every ounce of force I could muster. I knocked with wind from his lungs and he gun slipped from his grasp. Quickly I reached for the gun and faster than a bolt of lightning I shot him point blank in the face. His body fell with a thud and blood spewed everywhere, covering my dress.

For a moment I lay in shock of what I've done. After what felt like hours I finally got ahold of myself enough to get a better look at the man. He was dressed in a dark duster jacket with a red vest over his shirt. Something flicked and caught my attention. I pushed his heavy body to the side and found a sheriffs badge. I lived in Strawberry all my life, he wasn't the sheriff of town. Who was this man?

My heart sank, I knew what this meant. Regardless of who this man was or what he was going to do, I'm going to hang for this. A woman's words doesn't hold much weight around here, they wouldn't believe a me.

All my life I've been raised to be a criminal, I never wanted to live this life. My brother has a family and I cant go back and drag them down this path. From that day on I accepted my fate. I was destined to be an outlaw.

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